Poetry International Poetry International

Anne Kawala

with flame and uncertainty,

with flame and uncertainty, without romanticism but with love, with loves, with every possible love, I die without love, who doesn't die without love?, every solitude drunk to the dregs, with pleasure, but who doesn't die without love?, with every dream, every desire, it's momentum, movement, is no longer denying any love to the dream the spirit the soul, love until satisfaction is accepting and taking dreams and taking them straight at face value, taking its full pulse, its clenched fist, its pulse beating, its fist lifted face to face with, face to joyous and open face to the point of the mind the soul the dream where all is tied together, untying kaku, retying hanhaba, the cards played reveal the spread of the age, look, look, whatever the age is it reveals the inertia, inertia chucked out, at full whip, sea-sprays and waves, giving oneself to them, slipping in and anchoring, anchoring the fingers in the sex the arm in the tongue, everywhere desire comes the fingers become restless, restless fingers hidden, killed, contained, this habit of containing, this learned habit, the decorum of the asshole, shitting it out, I want my fingers to tremble, to tie around my voice, this discomfort, the pleasure of this discomfort, is the pleasure of knowing oneself read, everything naked, read, every shame killed, shed gulp of air, taken from air and hole, same material: let it be legible what I emote, that I'm not dead, that it's fleeting, that it's dangerous, this decorum, it's fleeting, futile, ferret, ferrety, fowrest, drill, draining of desire, slipping in and subduing, slipping in and spinning, emitting love, every shade of the loves, that surface, epic-ing, blushing, allegriating, moving and present loves when I cross, when I give credence, when I cross my heart and hope to die, crossing the sword and kissing the wood, clutching it, embracing it, living forest, between the trunks sliding, furtive, bore licking the plank, it's how I come, how to come only a little I don't know, I can't do anything, coming is grand, pleasure is a color chart, shades of iridescence, as prismatic as feeling, a whole panel, a palette, a stall, coming is a color, with flame and uncertainty, I don't know, don't dare, don't know but dare, dare slowly, slowly I don't know then slowly is deconstructing, everything together, touched, caressed, already caressing there, is ceasing to be afraid, this fear cast to the high water, high water, it's glug-glug, it's real vague, it the need to stop fleeing, stop fleeing what's felt, known, swarming, it's, it's being able to dare say if I love, if I say if I love, it's unsaddling, unbolting the statues from where I put them, removed them, put them back, melted these statues, their lava once again coursing through the veins, may the heart be, the pedestals are empty, in the gardens the emptied pedestals, the statues gone warbling, the loves in the corners, the hands, frolicking, moving away, scramming, breaking apart and finding each other again in the loves that I don't know, what loves do I know?

vol vuur en twijfel,

vol vuur en twijfel, zonder romantiek maar vol liefde, vol liefdes, vol van alle mogelijke liefdes, zonder liefde ga ik dood, wie gaat er niet dood zonder liefde?, de bittere kelk van alle eenzaamheden geledigd, met genot, maar wie gaat er niet dood zonder liefde?, vol van alle dromen, alle verlangens, het is bezieling, beweging, het is de droom de geest de ziel geen enkele liefde meer ontzeggen, verzadiging van liefde het is aanvaarding en opslag van dromen, de slag die je in je gezicht krijgt, je volle pols voelen, je gesloten vuist, je polsslag, je vuist geheven in het zicht van het gezicht van aangezicht tot vrolijk en opgewekt aangezicht dit punt van de droom van de geest van de ziel waar alles verknoopt raakt, kaku ontknopend, hanhaba herknopend, onthult met de kaarten op tafel de leeftijdswaaier, kijk, kijk, is ongeacht de leeftijd een kwestie van willoosheid, aan de wilgen met de willoosheid, frontaal, stuifwater en golven, zich er aanbieden, dringt binnen en verankert zich, verankert zich in het geslacht de vingers in de tong de armen overal de lust komt op de vingers worden gejaagd, gejaagde vingers verborgen verzwegen, ingehouden, die gewoonte van zich inhouden, die aangeleerde gewoonte, het fatsoen aan je kont, erop schijten, ik wil mijn vingers beven, mijn stem zich eromheen verstikken, deze schroom, het genot van deze schroom is te weten dat je gelezen wordt, helemaal naakt gelezen, de schaamte helemaal voorbij, overslaande ademteug, luchtkoker en gat zelfde materie: laat leesbaar zijn dat ik ontroer, dat ik niet dood ben, dat fatsoen vluchtig is, gevaarlijk is, hij is snel, stiekem, een snoever, snuffelt, snokt, spietst en holt uit de lust, dringt binnen en onderwerpt, dringt binnen en rolt zich op, spreekt zich uit de liefde, alle nuances van liefdes, dat veranderlijke en huidige liefdes bovendrijven, grandiozen, blozen, jubelen als ik kruis, als ik kies, als ik het ijzer kruis en het hout kus, het vasthoud, het omarm, levend woud, tussen de stammen doorglip, steels, gespietst de vloer lik, het is hoe ik klaarkom, hoe klein klaar te komen weet ik niet, kan er niets aan doen, klaarkomen is groots, genot is een kleurenwaaier, waaier van regenboogkleuren, even prismatisch als het voelen, een heel gamma, een palet, een uitstalling, klaarkomen is een kleur, vol vuur en twijfel, ik kan niet, durf niet, kan niet maar durf, durf langzaam, langzaam weet ik dan niet langzaam is deconstrueren, alles tegelijk, aangeraakt, gestreeld, daar al strelend, is stoppen met bang zijn, deze angst in de majem, majem, is geklok, is heel vaag, is de noodzaak te stoppen met vluchten, stoppen met vluchten voor wat je voelt, wat je weet, wat uitzwermt, is, is kunnen durven zeggen of ik het fijn vind, of ik weet of ik het fijn vind, is het zadel afnemen, de beelden losschroeven van de voetstukken waarop ik ze heb gezet, afgezet, weggezet, omgesmolten die beelden, stroomt hun lava weer door hun aderen, laat het hart zijn, de sokkels zijn leeg, in de tuinen lege sokkels, de beelden zijn gaan minnekozen, liefkozingen in de hoeken, de handen, vrijen, verdwalen, maken zich uit de voeten, gaan uit elkaar en vinden elkaar weer in de liefkozingen die ik niet ken, welke liefkozingen ken ik?

avec flamme et incertitude, sans romantisme mais avec amour, avec amours, avec toutes amours possibles, sans amour je meurs, qui ne meurt sans amour ?, toutes solitudes bues à la lie, avec plaisir, mais qui ne meurt pas sans amour ?, avec tous rêves, tous désirs, c’est élan, mouvement, au présent pour, ne plus refuser au rêve à l’esprit à l’âme aucun amour, amour à satiété c’est accepter et prendre rêves et, les prendre en pleine face, en prendre son plein pouls, son poing fermé, son pouls bat, son poing levé face à face à, face à face joyeuse et ouverte ce point du rêve de l’esprit de l’âme où tout se noue, dénouant kaku, renouant hanhaba, cartes abattues révèle l’éventail de l’âge, regarde, regarde, quelque soit l’âge relève de l’inertie, l’inertie aux orties, de plein fouet, embruns et vagues, s’y offrir, s’insinue et s’ancre, s’ancre dans le sexe les doigts dans la langue les bras partout le désir vient les doigts deviennent fébriles, fébriles doigts cachés tus, contenus, cette habitude de contenir, cette habitude apprise, la bienséance au cul, la chier, je veux mes doigts trembler, autour se nouer ma voix, cette gêne, le plaisir de cette gêne c’est celui de se savoir lu, tout nue lue, toute honte tue, muée goulée d’air, prise d’air et trou même matière : que soit lisible que j’émoie, que je ne suis pas morte, qu’est fugace, qu’elle est dangereuse la bienséance, il est fugace, futile, furet, furète, forète, foret, creuse le désir, s’insinue et soumet, s’insinue et s’enroule, s’émet l’amour, toutes les nuances des amours, qu’affleurent, épiquent, rossissent, allègrent mouvantes et présentes amours quand je croise, quand je crois, quand je croise le fer et embrasse le bois, le serre, l’enlace, vivante forêt, entre les troncs glisse, furtive, forée lèche le plancher, c’est comme je jouis, comment jouir petit je ne sais, n’y peux rien, jouir c’est grand, est un nuancier le plaisir, irisation nuances, aussi prismatique que sentir, tout un panel, une palette, un étal, jouir est une couleur, avec flamme et incertitude, je ne sais, n’ose, ne sais mais ose, ose lentement, lentement je ne sais alors lentement est déconstruire, tout ensemble, touchée, caressée, caressant déjà là, c’est cesser d’avoir peur, cette peur-ci à la baille, baille, c’est glou-glou, c’est très flou, c’est nécessité de cesser de fuir, cesser de fuir ce qui se sent, se sait, s’essaime, c’est, c’est savoir oser dire si j’aime, si je sais si j’aime, c’est desseller, déboulonner les statues d’où je les aies mises, démises, remisées, fondues ces statues, coulent à nouveau dans les veines leurs laves, que le cœur soit , les socles sont vides, dans des jardins des socles vidés, les statues parties roucouler, les amours dans les coins, les mains, s’ébattent, s’éloignent, se carapatent, se séparent et se retrouvent dans les amours que je ne connais pas, quels amours connais-je ?

with flame and uncertainty,

with flame and uncertainty, without romanticism but with love, with loves, with every possible love, I die without love, who doesn't die without love?, every solitude drunk to the dregs, with pleasure, but who doesn't die without love?, with every dream, every desire, it's momentum, movement, is no longer denying any love to the dream the spirit the soul, love until satisfaction is accepting and taking dreams and taking them straight at face value, taking its full pulse, its clenched fist, its pulse beating, its fist lifted face to face with, face to joyous and open face to the point of the mind the soul the dream where all is tied together, untying kaku, retying hanhaba, the cards played reveal the spread of the age, look, look, whatever the age is it reveals the inertia, inertia chucked out, at full whip, sea-sprays and waves, giving oneself to them, slipping in and anchoring, anchoring the fingers in the sex the arm in the tongue, everywhere desire comes the fingers become restless, restless fingers hidden, killed, contained, this habit of containing, this learned habit, the decorum of the asshole, shitting it out, I want my fingers to tremble, to tie around my voice, this discomfort, the pleasure of this discomfort, is the pleasure of knowing oneself read, everything naked, read, every shame killed, shed gulp of air, taken from air and hole, same material: let it be legible what I emote, that I'm not dead, that it's fleeting, that it's dangerous, this decorum, it's fleeting, futile, ferret, ferrety, fowrest, drill, draining of desire, slipping in and subduing, slipping in and spinning, emitting love, every shade of the loves, that surface, epic-ing, blushing, allegriating, moving and present loves when I cross, when I give credence, when I cross my heart and hope to die, crossing the sword and kissing the wood, clutching it, embracing it, living forest, between the trunks sliding, furtive, bore licking the plank, it's how I come, how to come only a little I don't know, I can't do anything, coming is grand, pleasure is a color chart, shades of iridescence, as prismatic as feeling, a whole panel, a palette, a stall, coming is a color, with flame and uncertainty, I don't know, don't dare, don't know but dare, dare slowly, slowly I don't know then slowly is deconstructing, everything together, touched, caressed, already caressing there, is ceasing to be afraid, this fear cast to the high water, high water, it's glug-glug, it's real vague, it the need to stop fleeing, stop fleeing what's felt, known, swarming, it's, it's being able to dare say if I love, if I say if I love, it's unsaddling, unbolting the statues from where I put them, removed them, put them back, melted these statues, their lava once again coursing through the veins, may the heart be, the pedestals are empty, in the gardens the emptied pedestals, the statues gone warbling, the loves in the corners, the hands, frolicking, moving away, scramming, breaking apart and finding each other again in the loves that I don't know, what loves do I know?

with flame and uncertainty,

with flame and uncertainty, without romanticism but with love, with loves, with every possible love, I die without love, who doesn't die without love?, every solitude drunk to the dregs, with pleasure, but who doesn't die without love?, with every dream, every desire, it's momentum, movement, is no longer denying any love to the dream the spirit the soul, love until satisfaction is accepting and taking dreams and taking them straight at face value, taking its full pulse, its clenched fist, its pulse beating, its fist lifted face to face with, face to joyous and open face to the point of the mind the soul the dream where all is tied together, untying kaku, retying hanhaba, the cards played reveal the spread of the age, look, look, whatever the age is it reveals the inertia, inertia chucked out, at full whip, sea-sprays and waves, giving oneself to them, slipping in and anchoring, anchoring the fingers in the sex the arm in the tongue, everywhere desire comes the fingers become restless, restless fingers hidden, killed, contained, this habit of containing, this learned habit, the decorum of the asshole, shitting it out, I want my fingers to tremble, to tie around my voice, this discomfort, the pleasure of this discomfort, is the pleasure of knowing oneself read, everything naked, read, every shame killed, shed gulp of air, taken from air and hole, same material: let it be legible what I emote, that I'm not dead, that it's fleeting, that it's dangerous, this decorum, it's fleeting, futile, ferret, ferrety, fowrest, drill, draining of desire, slipping in and subduing, slipping in and spinning, emitting love, every shade of the loves, that surface, epic-ing, blushing, allegriating, moving and present loves when I cross, when I give credence, when I cross my heart and hope to die, crossing the sword and kissing the wood, clutching it, embracing it, living forest, between the trunks sliding, furtive, bore licking the plank, it's how I come, how to come only a little I don't know, I can't do anything, coming is grand, pleasure is a color chart, shades of iridescence, as prismatic as feeling, a whole panel, a palette, a stall, coming is a color, with flame and uncertainty, I don't know, don't dare, don't know but dare, dare slowly, slowly I don't know then slowly is deconstructing, everything together, touched, caressed, already caressing there, is ceasing to be afraid, this fear cast to the high water, high water, it's glug-glug, it's real vague, it the need to stop fleeing, stop fleeing what's felt, known, swarming, it's, it's being able to dare say if I love, if I say if I love, it's unsaddling, unbolting the statues from where I put them, removed them, put them back, melted these statues, their lava once again coursing through the veins, may the heart be, the pedestals are empty, in the gardens the emptied pedestals, the statues gone warbling, the loves in the corners, the hands, frolicking, moving away, scramming, breaking apart and finding each other again in the loves that I don't know, what loves do I know?
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Ludo Pieters Gastschrijver Fonds
Lira fonds
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère