Poetry International Poetry International

Tom Van de Voorde

Asking Shiva

what the use is to land a barrel brimming
with seaweed and surge 

and roll across the agrarian plains
cloaked in foggy stars.

Bring me a battered fountain
a tether on a handful of horses,

the sun on a field of tiles
laid down in gold coloured sand. How

does the oil prompt the vase,
before a flower invents

its colour, before a dam wins its freedom. 
All those friends, illuminated, sheltering

in the many nets. Count them and compute.
Ask her if she chose her name,

what it was: a few hewn out stones,
a roof, shored up against confusion,

a rising plain geographically naïve.
Maybe this was enough, Ahmadi,

to embroider the history of your land
with precious metals, necrologies

lying cheek by jowl, like conches
inventing additional limbs.

Vragen aan Shiva

Vragen aan Shiva

hoe zinvol het is een vat
vol zeewier en golfslag te vangen,

gesluierd met sterren in
agrarische vlakte te rollen.

Breng me een gehavende fontein,
een touw aan een handvol paarden,

de zon op een veld vol tegels
in goudkleurig zand gelegd. Welke

richting geeft de olie aan een vaas
eer een bloem haar kleur

verzint, een dam zijn vrijheid wint.
Al die oplichtende vrienden, schuilend

tussen zo veel netten. Tel ze en bereken.
Vraag of ze zelf haar naam mocht kiezen,

wat het dan was: een paar uitgesneden stenen,
een dak, geschaard tegen vergissingen,

als rijzende vlakte, geografisch naïef.
Misschien was het wel genoeg, Ahmadi,

de geschiedenis van je land te borduren
met edelmetalen, necrologieën

als schelpen naast elkaar te leggen,
er ledematen bij te verzinnen.

Asking Shiva

what the use is to land a barrel brimming
with seaweed and surge 

and roll across the agrarian plains
cloaked in foggy stars.

Bring me a battered fountain
a tether on a handful of horses,

the sun on a field of tiles
laid down in gold coloured sand. How

does the oil prompt the vase,
before a flower invents

its colour, before a dam wins its freedom. 
All those friends, illuminated, sheltering

in the many nets. Count them and compute.
Ask her if she chose her name,

what it was: a few hewn out stones,
a roof, shored up against confusion,

a rising plain geographically naïve.
Maybe this was enough, Ahmadi,

to embroider the history of your land
with precious metals, necrologies

lying cheek by jowl, like conches
inventing additional limbs.

Asking Shiva

what the use is to land a barrel brimming
with seaweed and surge 

and roll across the agrarian plains
cloaked in foggy stars.

Bring me a battered fountain
a tether on a handful of horses,

the sun on a field of tiles
laid down in gold coloured sand. How

does the oil prompt the vase,
before a flower invents

its colour, before a dam wins its freedom. 
All those friends, illuminated, sheltering

in the many nets. Count them and compute.
Ask her if she chose her name,

what it was: a few hewn out stones,
a roof, shored up against confusion,

a rising plain geographically naïve.
Maybe this was enough, Ahmadi,

to embroider the history of your land
with precious metals, necrologies

lying cheek by jowl, like conches
inventing additional limbs.
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère