Poetry International Poetry International

Julio Carrasco

My prayer

Enlil, Krishna, Hydrogen atom
or whatever you’re called
I beg you from the third planet,
you, father of Abraham
who made the first rainbow appear
and tarry now in bringing us the last
you who bequeathed us the dinosaurs’ bones
so we would know how you once wiped them from the face of the earth
Grateful for all you have given me
I press my forehead into the floor
and beg you
I have gone without
I knew that it was part of the plan and I didn’t bother you
you never heard any complaint from me
if I cursed my fate a few times
it was a carelessness you surely had planned
Now I ask you to listen to me
and concede me a small gesture of mercy
Perhaps this is an honor I don’t deserve
in which case I’ll understand
you know I would never reproach you
but if it is in within what is possible for me
I beg you
on my knees and with my forehead to the floor:

I want the meteorite to fall on my head

Osiris, Odin, Quetzalcoatl
or whatever you’re called
I remind you that I have never asked you for any favor
If you can make this happen
my gratitude will follow you like a wolf
through the firmament.

Mi plegaria

Mi plegaria

Enlil, Krishna, Atomo de Hidrógeno
o como te llames
te imploro desde el tercer planeta
a ti, padre de Abraham
que hiciste aparecer el primer arcoiris
y tardas en traernos el último
a ti que nos legaste los huesos de los dinosaurios
para que supiéramos que los borraste de la faz de la tierra
Agradecido por todo lo que me has dado
apreto la frente contra el suelo
y te ruego
Me faltaron muchas cosas
sabía que era parte del plan y no te molesté
jamás escuchaste de mí queja alguna
si maldije mi suerte un par de veces
fue por un descuido que seguramente tú habías planeado
Ahora quiero que me escuches
y que hagas un pequeño derroche de misericordia
A lo mejor es un honor que no merezco
en ese caso lo entenderé
tú sabes que no te reprocho nada
pero por si está entre mis posibilidades
te suplico
de rodillas y con la frente en el suelo:

quiero que el meteorito caiga sobre mi cabeza

¡Osiris, Odín, Quetzalcoatl
o como te llames!
Te recuerdo que jamás te pedí favor alguno
Si esto se concreta
mi agradecimiento te perseguirá como un lobo
a través del firmamento.

My prayer

Enlil, Krishna, Hydrogen atom
or whatever you’re called
I beg you from the third planet,
you, father of Abraham
who made the first rainbow appear
and tarry now in bringing us the last
you who bequeathed us the dinosaurs’ bones
so we would know how you once wiped them from the face of the earth
Grateful for all you have given me
I press my forehead into the floor
and beg you
I have gone without
I knew that it was part of the plan and I didn’t bother you
you never heard any complaint from me
if I cursed my fate a few times
it was a carelessness you surely had planned
Now I ask you to listen to me
and concede me a small gesture of mercy
Perhaps this is an honor I don’t deserve
in which case I’ll understand
you know I would never reproach you
but if it is in within what is possible for me
I beg you
on my knees and with my forehead to the floor:

I want the meteorite to fall on my head

Osiris, Odin, Quetzalcoatl
or whatever you’re called
I remind you that I have never asked you for any favor
If you can make this happen
my gratitude will follow you like a wolf
through the firmament.

My prayer

Enlil, Krishna, Hydrogen atom
or whatever you’re called
I beg you from the third planet,
you, father of Abraham
who made the first rainbow appear
and tarry now in bringing us the last
you who bequeathed us the dinosaurs’ bones
so we would know how you once wiped them from the face of the earth
Grateful for all you have given me
I press my forehead into the floor
and beg you
I have gone without
I knew that it was part of the plan and I didn’t bother you
you never heard any complaint from me
if I cursed my fate a few times
it was a carelessness you surely had planned
Now I ask you to listen to me
and concede me a small gesture of mercy
Perhaps this is an honor I don’t deserve
in which case I’ll understand
you know I would never reproach you
but if it is in within what is possible for me
I beg you
on my knees and with my forehead to the floor:

I want the meteorite to fall on my head

Osiris, Odin, Quetzalcoatl
or whatever you’re called
I remind you that I have never asked you for any favor
If you can make this happen
my gratitude will follow you like a wolf
through the firmament.
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère