Poetry International Poetry International

Anneke Brassinga


Palmgracht’s colonnade, a heaven-reef the cloud shore
reaching out to, distantly oncoming, an evening sea 
whose mother-of-pearl I tinged with my fiery glow now

I was welkin and revelation, radiance was I where
trembling summer verdure warped and wefted in water-
mirror-ripples, the contrailing swallows high above flitted

through warm breeze of earth’s breathing – now light
began to dwindle into gloaming and I
perceived: this waiting alone has been your presence.



Zuilengang palmengracht, een hemelrif wolkenkust
zich strekkende naar verre nadering van schemerzee
wier paarlemoer ik tintte met mijn vuren gloed nu

uitspansel ik en openbaring was, klaarte waar
in waterspiegelblinken trillend zomerlover
werd geweven, hoog daarover zwaluwlijnen ijlden

door warme bries van aarde’s ademhaling – nu licht
verzonken raken ging in duisterheden en ik
begreep: dit wachten alleen is je komst geweest.


Palmgracht’s colonnade, a heaven-reef the cloud shore
reaching out to, distantly oncoming, an evening sea 
whose mother-of-pearl I tinged with my fiery glow now

I was welkin and revelation, radiance was I where
trembling summer verdure warped and wefted in water-
mirror-ripples, the contrailing swallows high above flitted

through warm breeze of earth’s breathing – now light
began to dwindle into gloaming and I
perceived: this waiting alone has been your presence.


Palmgracht’s colonnade, a heaven-reef the cloud shore
reaching out to, distantly oncoming, an evening sea 
whose mother-of-pearl I tinged with my fiery glow now

I was welkin and revelation, radiance was I where
trembling summer verdure warped and wefted in water-
mirror-ripples, the contrailing swallows high above flitted

through warm breeze of earth’s breathing – now light
began to dwindle into gloaming and I
perceived: this waiting alone has been your presence.
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère