Poetry International Poetry International

Vincent Tholomé

A visit to the doctor

(during the experiment in the doctors waiting room john cage or his equivalent is to be seated will have with him a newspaper which he will rustle from time to time during the experiment itself)

It is 1935. At doctor williams’ office. There’s a cousin of mrs cage who’s come to see doctor williams. She’s a curly-haired cousin of mrs cage. She’s a cousin from New York City. These days she goes. In 1935. On average 3 times a week to the doctor. The good doctor williams. He has a practice in the neighborhood of the apartment of john cage. He is also the doctor of john cage. When john cage. One day. Decides to go see the doctor because. You could say. Because something doesn’t feel right. You could say a black hole in his head. There. That’s it. One day john cage notices he has a black hole in his head. He

(it would be a good idea to prepare a sort of choreography or piece of music where in the beginning john cage or his equivalent will be seen rustling the newspaper as anyone else might do you know just turning the pages)

therefore decides to go see doctor williams. First in his waiting room. A tiny space of 10m2. Provided with 5 chairs 1 table magazines and newspapers. There is. John cage will say. John cage will say later. Everything you need to keep busy. John cage will say. The composer. A man like you and me. One day he sits down in the waiting room of doctor williams. He greets the cousin of mrs cage with a kiss on the cheek. Then he sits down next to her in the waiting room of doctor williams. While 3 other patients are reading magazines. They are waiting to go into the doctor’s office. The good doctor williams. And. While john cage mechanically. Just to have something in his hands. Just to have something in his hands. Takes a. Why not yes. Newspaper. Doctor williams. What do you know. Comes into the waiting room and greets

(then as the experiment continues during the silences that are arbitrary or determined by chance john cage or his equivalent will add to the rustling of the newspaper the sound of tapping heels on the floor)

everyone. And asks whose turn it is. And goes back into his office with he or she whose turn it is. This time a little old lady. She has a hard time walking. She has an ulcer on her leg. She’s there to have her bandage changed. She’s there to have her leg bandaged.  She’s there to have her leg disinfected then the ulcer on her leg bandaged. Disinfected then bandaged by doctor williams. The good doctor. And. While. In the waiting room the conversation between john cage and the cousin of mrs cage drifts off. While. Suddenly john cage starts playing with the newspaper. Suddenly. Without warning. Without warning. There is the black hole in the head of john cage. He starts acting strangely. He starts. You could say acting strangely. So that. John cage. Composer. Suddenly. In 1935. A newspaper in

(in fact john cage or his equivalent could also get up from his chair and why not dance a few steps at the same time as rustling the newspaper)

his hands. In the waiting room of a New York City doctor. Discovers the musical possibilities. Flabbergasting to say the least. Flabbergasting to say the least. Of a simple newspaper, though indeed a thick one. Indeed a thick one. But. Still. The same as. The same as any other. So that. So that. People quickly start noticing. In the waiting room. That something. They don’t know what. In 1935 they don't know what. To say the least. Is bothering john cage. Not an article in the newspaper. The cousin of mrs cage will say. But I know it’s strange but I owe it to myself to tell you. I can’t not tell you. My dear. The cousin

(in this way a rhythmic structure that mixes crumpling paper tearing newspaper tapping feet moving bodies can emerge little by little stop start again more and more frenetically)

of mrs cage will say. To mrs cage. In person. In person. But something coming from the newspaper itself as if. What do you know. As if. John cage was. Suddenly. Absorbed by something from the newspaper itself. Your husband. Your husband. Now really. The cousin of mrs cage. Will say. Later. To mrs cage her cousin. In a café on 5th avenue. So that. In the waiting room. What do you know. It’s as if a chill settles over the patients. In fact a black hole. While doctor williams. What do you know. Has the next patient come in his office. A little old man with bushy eyebrows. He’s suffering from a tumor on his left hip. He limps as he goes in to see doctor williams. In his office. And. While the entrance of doctor williams could have. At least. Brought john cage back to himself. The composer. The man literally fascinated. Really. By. You could say. The great musical potential of the newspaper. To the point that. Nothing. Not even doctor williams coming into the waiting room. Not even doctor williams coming into the waiting room. Judiciously. You could say judiciously. Could break. You could say. The ambiance. The atmosphere in the waiting room. The bad atmosphere. That is because. Of him. Of him I insist. Of john cage in person. The individual suffering. In 1935. From a black hole in his head. To the point where he has to

(in fact it would be funny if john cage or his equivalent were 2 or even 3 a whole game of mimics of looks of relations could therefor take place)

go. On the insistence of mrs cage. To see doctor williams. To see doctor williams. Unfortunately also the doctor of a cousin of mrs cage. A curly blond. That day she makes one of her 3 weekly visits to doctor williams. Maybe she is secretly in love with doctor williams. I think she is secretly in love with doctor williams. John cage will say. The man who. Apparently. Apparently. When he is left alone in the waiting room with the blond and curly

(in the end it's up to john cage or his equivalent to decide)

cousin from New York City. Didn't even notice doctor williams coming in then the doctor going out accompanied this time by a housewife and her daughter who is sniffling and coughing. She is 5 years old. She's wearing white tights. She must have the whooping-cough. She doesn't notice mr cage. The strange circus of mr cage. Now alone in the waiting room. Alone with me. Says the cousin. Later. To mrs cage. Over a hot chocolate. Somewhere in a fancy café on 5th avenue. Right after coming home from her visit to the doctor she calls her cousin. She calls the apartment of mr and mrs cage. It’s mrs cage who answers. They set a meeting for that afternoon. Somewhere on 5th avenue. In a fancy café. She has no problem telling mrs cage how strange she found the behavior of john cage. That morning. In the waiting room of doctor williams. A newspaper in his hands. She says it over a hot chocolate. Here they serve it in big tall and straight glasses. Here they serve it with lots of milk foam. It’s the favorite place of mrs cage and her cousin to meet. Here they can keep. In 1935. Their hats on. And. So. They keep them on. So that. When doctor williams goes out of the waiting room with the cousin of mrs cage. What do you know. John cage is left in the waiting room alone.

(yes each one can decide depending on what they know how to do in fact depending on what theyre comfortable with, etc. yes really)

Continues alone the unique and magnificent really magnificent experience that. For the past hour or so. He has been experimenting with. So that. John cage. Exhausted. Literally. Physically. By the intense concentration that what do you know this kind of experience necessitates. What do you know. Ends up by. You could say. Coming out of his black hole. Coming out of his black hole. And. And leaves the waiting room. So that's what was in bud. John cage tells himself. When he’s outside. When he’s in the street. That’s all it was. Nothing at all. Really nothing at all to worry about. John cage tells himself. Taking a magazine with him. And 2 or 3 newspapers. Impatient to continue at home. A New York City apartment. His experiences. Good thing he didn’t see the doctor. The good doctor williams. What could he have told him. Good thing he was right not to worry mrs cage. John cage tells himself. Returning home quickly. At a brisk pace. His home. On the 3rd floor.

Une visite chez le docteur

Une visite chez le docteur

(lors de son expérience dans la salle d'attente chez le médecin john cage ou son équivalent s'assiéra sera muni d'un quotidien qu'il manipulera de loin en loin lors de l'expérience proprement dite)

On est en 1935. On est chez le docteur williams. On a une cousine de mme cage en visite chez le docteur williams. C'est une cousine bouclée de mme cage. C'est une cousine de New York City. Elle se rend à cette époque. En 1935. En moyenne 3 fois la semaine chez le docteur. Le bon docteur williams. Il tient un cabinet dans le quartier de l'appartement de john cage. Il est aussi le docteur de john cage. Lorsque john cage. Un jour. Décide d'aller chez le docteur en raison de. Disons. En raison de quelque chose qui cloche. Mettons un trou noir dans la tête. Voilà. C'est ça. Un jour john cage constate qu'il a un trou noir dans la tête. Il

(il conviendra en fait de mettre au point une espèce de chorégraphie ou de pièce musicale où l'on verra john cage ou son équivalent tout d'abord manipuler le journal comme il arrive à tout un chacun de le faire on tourne simplement les pages quoi)

décide alors de se rendre au cabinet du docteur williams. D'abord dans sa salle d'attente. Un petit machin de 10 m2. On y a disposé 5 chaises 1 table des magazines et des journaux. Il y a là. Dira john cage. Dira plus tard john cage. Tout ce qu'il faut pour se distraire. Dira john cage. Le compositeur. Un homme comme vous et moi. Il s'installe un jour dans la salle d'attente du docteur williams. Il salue la cousine de mme cage d'une bise sur la joue. Puis il s'installe dans la salle d'attente du docteur williams juste à côté d'elle. Tandis que 3 autres clients lisent des magazines. Ils attendent de passer dans le cabinet du docteur. Du bon docteur williams. Et. Tandis que machinalement john cage.  Juste pour avoir quelque chose en main. Juste pour avoir quelque chose en main. Se prend un. Pourquoi pas oui. Journal. Le docteur williams. Eh bien. Entre dans sa salle d'attente et salue la

(puis au fur et à mesure de l'expérience lors des silences arbitraires ou déterminés par le hasard john cage ou son équivalent ajoutera au chiffonnage du journal des bruits de talons claqués au sol)

compagnie. Et demande c'est à qui le tour. Et rentre dans son cabinet avec celui ou celle c'est à qui le tour. Cette fois-ci une petite vieille. Elle a du mal à marcher. Elle a un ulcère à la jambe. Elle vient changer son pansement. Elle vient se faire panser la jambe. Elle vient se faire désinfecter puis panser son ulcère à la jambe. Désinfecter puis panser par le docteur williams. Le bon docteur. Et. Alors que. Dans la salle d'attente la conversation entre john cage et la cousine de mme cage retombe. Alors que. Subitement john cage joue avec le journal. Subitement. Sans qu'on s'y attende. Sans qu'on s'y attende. Il y a le trou noir de la tête de john cage. Il fait des siennes. Il fait. Disons des siennes. De sorte que. John cage. Compositeur. Subitement. En 1935. Un journal à

(en fait john cage ou son équivalent pourrait aussi se lever de la chaise et pourquoi pas faire un pas de danse en même temps qu'il manipule le quotidien)

la main. Dans une salle d'attente d'un docteur de New York City. Découvre les possibilités musicales. Pour le moins époustouflantes. Pour le moins époustouflantes. D'un simple quotidien certes épais. Certes épais. Mais. Tout de même. Pareil à. Pareil à n'importe quel autre. De sorte que. De sorte que. On s'aperçoit très vite. Dans la salle d'attente. Que quelque chose. On ne sait pas quoi. En 1935 on ne sait pas quoi. Pour le moins. Perturbe john cage. Non pas une nouvelle du quotidien. Dira la cousine de mme cage. Mais je sais c'est bizarre mais je me dois de te le dire. Je ne peux pas ne pas te le dire. Ma chérie. Dira la

(une structure rythmique mêlant froissement de papiers déchirure du journal claquements de pieds mouvements du corps peut ainsi petit à petit apparaître s'arrêter reprendre de plus en plus frénétiquement)

cousine de mme cage. À mme cage. En personne. En personne. Mais quelque chose venant du quotidien lui-même comme si. Eh bien. Comme si. Quelque chose du quotidien lui-même. Subitement. Absorbait john cage. Ton mari. Ton mari. Tout de même. Dira. Plus tard. La cousine de mme cage. À mme cage sa cousine. Dans une cafétéria sur la 5ième avenue. De sorte que. Dans la salle d'attente. Eh bien. Il y a comme un froid qui circule entre les clients. En fait un trou noir. Tandis que le docteur williams. Eh bien. Fait entrer dans son cabinet le client suivant. Un petit vieux aux sourcils broussailleux. Il souffre d'une tumeur à la hanche gauche. Il boîte en entrant chez le docteur williams. Dans son cabinet. Et. Alors que l'entrée du docteur williams aurait pu. Au moins. Tirer john cage. Le compositeur. L'homme littéralement fasciné. Vraiment. Par. Disons. Les hautes potentialités musicales du quotidien. Au point que. Rien. Même l'entrée du docteur williams dans la salle d'attente. Même l'entrée du docteur venant. Judicieusement. Disons judicieusement. Rompre. Disons. L'atmosphère. Le climat de la salle d'attente. Le sale climat. Instauré. À  son insu. À son insu j'insiste. Par john cage en personne. L'individu souffrant. En 1935. D'un trou noir dans la tête. Au point qu'il doive se

(en fait il serait amusant que john cage ou son équivalent soit 2 voire 3 tout un jeu de mimiques de regards de relations pouvant alors avoir lieu)

rendre. À l'insu de mme cage. Chez le docteur williams. Malencontreusement également le médecin d'une cousine de mme cage. Une blonde bouclée. Elle rend ce jour-là une de ses 3 visites semaine chez le docteur williams. Elle est peut-être secrètement amoureuse du docteur williams. Je crois qu'elle est secrètement amoureuse du docteur williams. Dira john cage. L'homme qui. Apparemment. Apparemment. Lorsqu'il reste seul dans la salle d'attente avec la cousine blonde et

(enfin c'est à john cage ou à son équivalent de voir)

bouclée de New York City. N'a même pas remarqué la venue du docteur williams puis la sortie du docteur accompagné cette fois d'une mère de famille et de sa fille qui renifle et qui tousse. Elle a 5 ans. Elle porte de hauts bas blancs. Elle doit avoir la coqueluche. Elle ne remarque pas m. cage. L'étrange manège de m. cage. Maintenant seul dans la salle d'attente. Maintenant seul avec moi. Dit la cousine. Plus tard. À mme cage. Devant un chocolat chaud. Quelque part dans une cafétéria de luxe 5ième avenue. À peine rentrée de sa visite chez le docteur elle sonne à sa cousine. Elle sonne à l'appartement de m. et mme cage. C'est mme cage qui décroche. Elle lui fixe un rendez-vous pour l'après-midi. Quelque part sur 5ième avenue. Dans une cafétéria de luxe. Elle n'hésite pas à dire à mme cage combien elle a trouvé étrange le comportement de john cage. Ce matin. Dans la salle d'attente du docteur williams. Un journal quotidien à la main. Elle le dit devant un chocolat chaud. On le sert ici dans de grandes tasses hautes et droites. On le sert ici avec beaucoup de mousse de lait. C'est le lieu favori de rendez-vous de mme cage et de sa cousine. Elles peuvent garder ici. En 1935. Leur chapeau sur la tête. Et. En effet. Elles le gardent. De sorte que. Lorsque le docteur williams sort de la salle d'attente accompagné de la cousine de mme cage. Eh bien. John cage reste seul dans la salle d'attente.

(oui à chacun de voir en fonction de ce qu'on sait faire en fait en fonction de son aisance etc. oui vraiment)

Poursuit seul l'expérience singulière et magnifique magnifique vraiment que. Depuis environ une heure. Il tente maintenant. De sorte que. John cage. Épuisé. Littéralement. Physiquement. Par l'intense concentration que nécessite eh bien ce genre d'expérience. Eh bien. Finit par. Disons. Sortir de son trou noir. Sortir de son trou noir. Et. Et quitte la salle. C'était donc ça qui était en germe. Se dit john cage. Une fois dehors. Une fois rendu à la rue. C'était donc simplement ça. Pas de quoi. Vraiment pas de quoi s'inquiéter. Se dit john cage. Emportant avec lui un magazine. Et 2 ou 3 quotidiens. Impatient de poursuivre chez lui. Un appartement de New York City. Ses expériences. Heureusement qu'il n'a pas vu le docteur. Le bon docteur williams. Qu'aurait-il eu à lui dire. Heureusement qu'il a eu raison de ne pas inquiéter mme cage. Heureusement que j'ai eu raison de ne pas inquiéter mme cage. Se dit encore john cage. Rentrant à vive allure. D'un bon pas. Chez lui. Au 3ième étage.

A visit to the doctor

(during the experiment in the doctors waiting room john cage or his equivalent is to be seated will have with him a newspaper which he will rustle from time to time during the experiment itself)

It is 1935. At doctor williams’ office. There’s a cousin of mrs cage who’s come to see doctor williams. She’s a curly-haired cousin of mrs cage. She’s a cousin from New York City. These days she goes. In 1935. On average 3 times a week to the doctor. The good doctor williams. He has a practice in the neighborhood of the apartment of john cage. He is also the doctor of john cage. When john cage. One day. Decides to go see the doctor because. You could say. Because something doesn’t feel right. You could say a black hole in his head. There. That’s it. One day john cage notices he has a black hole in his head. He

(it would be a good idea to prepare a sort of choreography or piece of music where in the beginning john cage or his equivalent will be seen rustling the newspaper as anyone else might do you know just turning the pages)

therefore decides to go see doctor williams. First in his waiting room. A tiny space of 10m2. Provided with 5 chairs 1 table magazines and newspapers. There is. John cage will say. John cage will say later. Everything you need to keep busy. John cage will say. The composer. A man like you and me. One day he sits down in the waiting room of doctor williams. He greets the cousin of mrs cage with a kiss on the cheek. Then he sits down next to her in the waiting room of doctor williams. While 3 other patients are reading magazines. They are waiting to go into the doctor’s office. The good doctor williams. And. While john cage mechanically. Just to have something in his hands. Just to have something in his hands. Takes a. Why not yes. Newspaper. Doctor williams. What do you know. Comes into the waiting room and greets

(then as the experiment continues during the silences that are arbitrary or determined by chance john cage or his equivalent will add to the rustling of the newspaper the sound of tapping heels on the floor)

everyone. And asks whose turn it is. And goes back into his office with he or she whose turn it is. This time a little old lady. She has a hard time walking. She has an ulcer on her leg. She’s there to have her bandage changed. She’s there to have her leg bandaged.  She’s there to have her leg disinfected then the ulcer on her leg bandaged. Disinfected then bandaged by doctor williams. The good doctor. And. While. In the waiting room the conversation between john cage and the cousin of mrs cage drifts off. While. Suddenly john cage starts playing with the newspaper. Suddenly. Without warning. Without warning. There is the black hole in the head of john cage. He starts acting strangely. He starts. You could say acting strangely. So that. John cage. Composer. Suddenly. In 1935. A newspaper in

(in fact john cage or his equivalent could also get up from his chair and why not dance a few steps at the same time as rustling the newspaper)

his hands. In the waiting room of a New York City doctor. Discovers the musical possibilities. Flabbergasting to say the least. Flabbergasting to say the least. Of a simple newspaper, though indeed a thick one. Indeed a thick one. But. Still. The same as. The same as any other. So that. So that. People quickly start noticing. In the waiting room. That something. They don’t know what. In 1935 they don't know what. To say the least. Is bothering john cage. Not an article in the newspaper. The cousin of mrs cage will say. But I know it’s strange but I owe it to myself to tell you. I can’t not tell you. My dear. The cousin

(in this way a rhythmic structure that mixes crumpling paper tearing newspaper tapping feet moving bodies can emerge little by little stop start again more and more frenetically)

of mrs cage will say. To mrs cage. In person. In person. But something coming from the newspaper itself as if. What do you know. As if. John cage was. Suddenly. Absorbed by something from the newspaper itself. Your husband. Your husband. Now really. The cousin of mrs cage. Will say. Later. To mrs cage her cousin. In a café on 5th avenue. So that. In the waiting room. What do you know. It’s as if a chill settles over the patients. In fact a black hole. While doctor williams. What do you know. Has the next patient come in his office. A little old man with bushy eyebrows. He’s suffering from a tumor on his left hip. He limps as he goes in to see doctor williams. In his office. And. While the entrance of doctor williams could have. At least. Brought john cage back to himself. The composer. The man literally fascinated. Really. By. You could say. The great musical potential of the newspaper. To the point that. Nothing. Not even doctor williams coming into the waiting room. Not even doctor williams coming into the waiting room. Judiciously. You could say judiciously. Could break. You could say. The ambiance. The atmosphere in the waiting room. The bad atmosphere. That is because. Of him. Of him I insist. Of john cage in person. The individual suffering. In 1935. From a black hole in his head. To the point where he has to

(in fact it would be funny if john cage or his equivalent were 2 or even 3 a whole game of mimics of looks of relations could therefor take place)

go. On the insistence of mrs cage. To see doctor williams. To see doctor williams. Unfortunately also the doctor of a cousin of mrs cage. A curly blond. That day she makes one of her 3 weekly visits to doctor williams. Maybe she is secretly in love with doctor williams. I think she is secretly in love with doctor williams. John cage will say. The man who. Apparently. Apparently. When he is left alone in the waiting room with the blond and curly

(in the end it's up to john cage or his equivalent to decide)

cousin from New York City. Didn't even notice doctor williams coming in then the doctor going out accompanied this time by a housewife and her daughter who is sniffling and coughing. She is 5 years old. She's wearing white tights. She must have the whooping-cough. She doesn't notice mr cage. The strange circus of mr cage. Now alone in the waiting room. Alone with me. Says the cousin. Later. To mrs cage. Over a hot chocolate. Somewhere in a fancy café on 5th avenue. Right after coming home from her visit to the doctor she calls her cousin. She calls the apartment of mr and mrs cage. It’s mrs cage who answers. They set a meeting for that afternoon. Somewhere on 5th avenue. In a fancy café. She has no problem telling mrs cage how strange she found the behavior of john cage. That morning. In the waiting room of doctor williams. A newspaper in his hands. She says it over a hot chocolate. Here they serve it in big tall and straight glasses. Here they serve it with lots of milk foam. It’s the favorite place of mrs cage and her cousin to meet. Here they can keep. In 1935. Their hats on. And. So. They keep them on. So that. When doctor williams goes out of the waiting room with the cousin of mrs cage. What do you know. John cage is left in the waiting room alone.

(yes each one can decide depending on what they know how to do in fact depending on what theyre comfortable with, etc. yes really)

Continues alone the unique and magnificent really magnificent experience that. For the past hour or so. He has been experimenting with. So that. John cage. Exhausted. Literally. Physically. By the intense concentration that what do you know this kind of experience necessitates. What do you know. Ends up by. You could say. Coming out of his black hole. Coming out of his black hole. And. And leaves the waiting room. So that's what was in bud. John cage tells himself. When he’s outside. When he’s in the street. That’s all it was. Nothing at all. Really nothing at all to worry about. John cage tells himself. Taking a magazine with him. And 2 or 3 newspapers. Impatient to continue at home. A New York City apartment. His experiences. Good thing he didn’t see the doctor. The good doctor williams. What could he have told him. Good thing he was right not to worry mrs cage. John cage tells himself. Returning home quickly. At a brisk pace. His home. On the 3rd floor.

A visit to the doctor

(during the experiment in the doctors waiting room john cage or his equivalent is to be seated will have with him a newspaper which he will rustle from time to time during the experiment itself)

It is 1935. At doctor williams’ office. There’s a cousin of mrs cage who’s come to see doctor williams. She’s a curly-haired cousin of mrs cage. She’s a cousin from New York City. These days she goes. In 1935. On average 3 times a week to the doctor. The good doctor williams. He has a practice in the neighborhood of the apartment of john cage. He is also the doctor of john cage. When john cage. One day. Decides to go see the doctor because. You could say. Because something doesn’t feel right. You could say a black hole in his head. There. That’s it. One day john cage notices he has a black hole in his head. He

(it would be a good idea to prepare a sort of choreography or piece of music where in the beginning john cage or his equivalent will be seen rustling the newspaper as anyone else might do you know just turning the pages)

therefore decides to go see doctor williams. First in his waiting room. A tiny space of 10m2. Provided with 5 chairs 1 table magazines and newspapers. There is. John cage will say. John cage will say later. Everything you need to keep busy. John cage will say. The composer. A man like you and me. One day he sits down in the waiting room of doctor williams. He greets the cousin of mrs cage with a kiss on the cheek. Then he sits down next to her in the waiting room of doctor williams. While 3 other patients are reading magazines. They are waiting to go into the doctor’s office. The good doctor williams. And. While john cage mechanically. Just to have something in his hands. Just to have something in his hands. Takes a. Why not yes. Newspaper. Doctor williams. What do you know. Comes into the waiting room and greets

(then as the experiment continues during the silences that are arbitrary or determined by chance john cage or his equivalent will add to the rustling of the newspaper the sound of tapping heels on the floor)

everyone. And asks whose turn it is. And goes back into his office with he or she whose turn it is. This time a little old lady. She has a hard time walking. She has an ulcer on her leg. She’s there to have her bandage changed. She’s there to have her leg bandaged.  She’s there to have her leg disinfected then the ulcer on her leg bandaged. Disinfected then bandaged by doctor williams. The good doctor. And. While. In the waiting room the conversation between john cage and the cousin of mrs cage drifts off. While. Suddenly john cage starts playing with the newspaper. Suddenly. Without warning. Without warning. There is the black hole in the head of john cage. He starts acting strangely. He starts. You could say acting strangely. So that. John cage. Composer. Suddenly. In 1935. A newspaper in

(in fact john cage or his equivalent could also get up from his chair and why not dance a few steps at the same time as rustling the newspaper)

his hands. In the waiting room of a New York City doctor. Discovers the musical possibilities. Flabbergasting to say the least. Flabbergasting to say the least. Of a simple newspaper, though indeed a thick one. Indeed a thick one. But. Still. The same as. The same as any other. So that. So that. People quickly start noticing. In the waiting room. That something. They don’t know what. In 1935 they don't know what. To say the least. Is bothering john cage. Not an article in the newspaper. The cousin of mrs cage will say. But I know it’s strange but I owe it to myself to tell you. I can’t not tell you. My dear. The cousin

(in this way a rhythmic structure that mixes crumpling paper tearing newspaper tapping feet moving bodies can emerge little by little stop start again more and more frenetically)

of mrs cage will say. To mrs cage. In person. In person. But something coming from the newspaper itself as if. What do you know. As if. John cage was. Suddenly. Absorbed by something from the newspaper itself. Your husband. Your husband. Now really. The cousin of mrs cage. Will say. Later. To mrs cage her cousin. In a café on 5th avenue. So that. In the waiting room. What do you know. It’s as if a chill settles over the patients. In fact a black hole. While doctor williams. What do you know. Has the next patient come in his office. A little old man with bushy eyebrows. He’s suffering from a tumor on his left hip. He limps as he goes in to see doctor williams. In his office. And. While the entrance of doctor williams could have. At least. Brought john cage back to himself. The composer. The man literally fascinated. Really. By. You could say. The great musical potential of the newspaper. To the point that. Nothing. Not even doctor williams coming into the waiting room. Not even doctor williams coming into the waiting room. Judiciously. You could say judiciously. Could break. You could say. The ambiance. The atmosphere in the waiting room. The bad atmosphere. That is because. Of him. Of him I insist. Of john cage in person. The individual suffering. In 1935. From a black hole in his head. To the point where he has to

(in fact it would be funny if john cage or his equivalent were 2 or even 3 a whole game of mimics of looks of relations could therefor take place)

go. On the insistence of mrs cage. To see doctor williams. To see doctor williams. Unfortunately also the doctor of a cousin of mrs cage. A curly blond. That day she makes one of her 3 weekly visits to doctor williams. Maybe she is secretly in love with doctor williams. I think she is secretly in love with doctor williams. John cage will say. The man who. Apparently. Apparently. When he is left alone in the waiting room with the blond and curly

(in the end it's up to john cage or his equivalent to decide)

cousin from New York City. Didn't even notice doctor williams coming in then the doctor going out accompanied this time by a housewife and her daughter who is sniffling and coughing. She is 5 years old. She's wearing white tights. She must have the whooping-cough. She doesn't notice mr cage. The strange circus of mr cage. Now alone in the waiting room. Alone with me. Says the cousin. Later. To mrs cage. Over a hot chocolate. Somewhere in a fancy café on 5th avenue. Right after coming home from her visit to the doctor she calls her cousin. She calls the apartment of mr and mrs cage. It’s mrs cage who answers. They set a meeting for that afternoon. Somewhere on 5th avenue. In a fancy café. She has no problem telling mrs cage how strange she found the behavior of john cage. That morning. In the waiting room of doctor williams. A newspaper in his hands. She says it over a hot chocolate. Here they serve it in big tall and straight glasses. Here they serve it with lots of milk foam. It’s the favorite place of mrs cage and her cousin to meet. Here they can keep. In 1935. Their hats on. And. So. They keep them on. So that. When doctor williams goes out of the waiting room with the cousin of mrs cage. What do you know. John cage is left in the waiting room alone.

(yes each one can decide depending on what they know how to do in fact depending on what theyre comfortable with, etc. yes really)

Continues alone the unique and magnificent really magnificent experience that. For the past hour or so. He has been experimenting with. So that. John cage. Exhausted. Literally. Physically. By the intense concentration that what do you know this kind of experience necessitates. What do you know. Ends up by. You could say. Coming out of his black hole. Coming out of his black hole. And. And leaves the waiting room. So that's what was in bud. John cage tells himself. When he’s outside. When he’s in the street. That’s all it was. Nothing at all. Really nothing at all to worry about. John cage tells himself. Taking a magazine with him. And 2 or 3 newspapers. Impatient to continue at home. A New York City apartment. His experiences. Good thing he didn’t see the doctor. The good doctor williams. What could he have told him. Good thing he was right not to worry mrs cage. John cage tells himself. Returning home quickly. At a brisk pace. His home. On the 3rd floor.
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