Poetry International Poetry International

Sasja Janssen

Enough I Poetry

You wanted to see, what I had become.
Was it the children, they screamed
your dreams on stilts.
They were, but I let them play.
Aren’t you the sensitive one.
From now on only the cosmos, steppes and seas, without I.
Will you forget I?
Can I grab you all over one last time.
Grab me then, grab me if you can.
But it isn’t I any longer, I am already covered in mud.
I am of the metallic rivers, the crimson earth.
Is it because of the others?
I am the others.
It is because of the horniness.
It is because of the desire.
I won’t forget you.
Sssh, talk just feeds into delusion.
I loved him so much.
I couldn’t go without.
Can you see the world move faster around us?
No, I can sense a green-gold beetle  
in my breast, it leads me to confusion.
Is it driving you mad, dear?
Would you ham it up one last time.
No, I’ve had enough.
I cast her off, my species.
She is yours, do what you want with it.
Say goodbye. I say goodbye.

Genoeg over ik gedicht

Genoeg over ik gedicht

Je wou het zien, hoe ik geworden ben.
Kwam het door de kinderen, ze schreeuwden
je dromen op stokjes.
Zij waren het, maar ik laat ze spelen.
Ben je teergevoelig.
Voortaan alleen nog het heelal, steppen en zeeën, zonder ik.
Ga je ik vergeten?
Mag ik je nog overal één keer pakken.
Pak me dan, als je kan.
Maar ik ben het niet meer, ik zit al onder de modder.
Ik ben van de metalige rivier, de rode aarde.
Is het om de anderen?
Ik ben de anderen.
Het is om de geilheid.
Het is om het verlangen.
Ik vergeet je niet.
Sstt, praten is voer voor de waan.
Ik had hem zo lief.
Ik kon niet meer zonder.
Zie je hoe de wereld om ons harder beweegt?
Nee, ik voel een groengouden kever
in mijn boezem, hij wandelt me in de war.
Maakt hij je gek, liefje?
Wil je nog één keer schmieren.
Nee, ik heb genoeg.
Ik trek haar uit, mijn species.
Zij is van jou, doe ermee wat je wilt.
Zeg dag. Ik zeg dag.


Enough I Poetry

You wanted to see, what I had become.
Was it the children, they screamed
your dreams on stilts.
They were, but I let them play.
Aren’t you the sensitive one.
From now on only the cosmos, steppes and seas, without I.
Will you forget I?
Can I grab you all over one last time.
Grab me then, grab me if you can.
But it isn’t I any longer, I am already covered in mud.
I am of the metallic rivers, the crimson earth.
Is it because of the others?
I am the others.
It is because of the horniness.
It is because of the desire.
I won’t forget you.
Sssh, talk just feeds into delusion.
I loved him so much.
I couldn’t go without.
Can you see the world move faster around us?
No, I can sense a green-gold beetle  
in my breast, it leads me to confusion.
Is it driving you mad, dear?
Would you ham it up one last time.
No, I’ve had enough.
I cast her off, my species.
She is yours, do what you want with it.
Say goodbye. I say goodbye.

Enough I Poetry

You wanted to see, what I had become.
Was it the children, they screamed
your dreams on stilts.
They were, but I let them play.
Aren’t you the sensitive one.
From now on only the cosmos, steppes and seas, without I.
Will you forget I?
Can I grab you all over one last time.
Grab me then, grab me if you can.
But it isn’t I any longer, I am already covered in mud.
I am of the metallic rivers, the crimson earth.
Is it because of the others?
I am the others.
It is because of the horniness.
It is because of the desire.
I won’t forget you.
Sssh, talk just feeds into delusion.
I loved him so much.
I couldn’t go without.
Can you see the world move faster around us?
No, I can sense a green-gold beetle  
in my breast, it leads me to confusion.
Is it driving you mad, dear?
Would you ham it up one last time.
No, I’ve had enough.
I cast her off, my species.
She is yours, do what you want with it.
Say goodbye. I say goodbye.

Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère