Poetry International Poetry International

Mustafa Stitou

Making love in a summer oak

Making love in a summer oak,
a couple of times a couple of seconds,
flurrying off while she shakes herself,
arranges her feathers.
Walking on trunks, going up,
going down, hanging off twigs
pecking buds,
hopping along branches. Scratching
around treetops, under bushes,
in a muddy puddle.
Is my darling nesting?
I bring her dark earth.
Is she brooding? I feed her
caterpillars picked out  
from between the leaves. Oh,
never falling prey to aporias,
phobias, crippling fantasies of
omnipotence and impotence, intoxicating
suffocating addictive
solitude, the susceptibility
that eats away at my jaw,
escapism. But battling blackbirds!
Cursing a sparrow!
Drinking rain, singing
with a beak full of ants,
a beak full of ants. Oh,
no darker or less
illuminating than yours,
hole-nester, is the spring
that gave rise to me!
What is that heart-rending
quiet hubbub? In the nesting box
my young are learning to fly.
Oh, some six weeks of family life
and then hup
banish those kids.
(And display some strange behaviour sometimes,
suddenly smearing my droppings out
over a dead branch.)

Vrijen in een zomereik

Vrijen in een zomereik,
een paar maal een paar seconden,
wegwervelen alweer terwijl zij zich uitschudt,
haar veren schikt.
Stammen bewandelen, omhoog,
omlaag, ondersteboven
aan twijgjes hangen,
in knoppen pikken,
op takken hippen. Rondscharrelen
in kruinen, onder struiken,
in een modderpoel.
Metselt mijn lief?
Ik breng haar donkere aarde.
Broedt zij? Ik voer haar
de tussen de bladeren
weggepikte rupsen. O
nimmer ten prooi aan aporieën,
fobieën, slopende almachts-
en onmachtsfantasieën, bedwelmende,
verslavende, verstikkende
eenzaamheid, het ontembare
dat mijn kaakbot wegvreet,
escapisme. Maar merels bevechten!
Een mees uitschelden!
Regen drinken, zingen
met een bek vol mieren,
een bek vol mieren. O
niet minder duister
en lichtend dan die van jou,
holenbroeder, is de bron
waaraan ik ben ontsprongen!
Wat is dat voor hartverscheurend
zacht kabaal? In de nestkast
leren mijn jongen vliegen.
O een gezinsleven van
een week of zes dan hup
de kinderen verbannen.
(En vreemd gedrag vertonen soms,
uit het niets mijn uitwerpselen
uitsmeren over een dode tak.)

Making love in a summer oak

Making love in a summer oak,
a couple of times a couple of seconds,
flurrying off while she shakes herself,
arranges her feathers.
Walking on trunks, going up,
going down, hanging off twigs
pecking buds,
hopping along branches. Scratching
around treetops, under bushes,
in a muddy puddle.
Is my darling nesting?
I bring her dark earth.
Is she brooding? I feed her
caterpillars picked out  
from between the leaves. Oh,
never falling prey to aporias,
phobias, crippling fantasies of
omnipotence and impotence, intoxicating
suffocating addictive
solitude, the susceptibility
that eats away at my jaw,
escapism. But battling blackbirds!
Cursing a sparrow!
Drinking rain, singing
with a beak full of ants,
a beak full of ants. Oh,
no darker or less
illuminating than yours,
hole-nester, is the spring
that gave rise to me!
What is that heart-rending
quiet hubbub? In the nesting box
my young are learning to fly.
Oh, some six weeks of family life
and then hup
banish those kids.
(And display some strange behaviour sometimes,
suddenly smearing my droppings out
over a dead branch.)

Making love in a summer oak

Making love in a summer oak,
a couple of times a couple of seconds,
flurrying off while she shakes herself,
arranges her feathers.
Walking on trunks, going up,
going down, hanging off twigs
pecking buds,
hopping along branches. Scratching
around treetops, under bushes,
in a muddy puddle.
Is my darling nesting?
I bring her dark earth.
Is she brooding? I feed her
caterpillars picked out  
from between the leaves. Oh,
never falling prey to aporias,
phobias, crippling fantasies of
omnipotence and impotence, intoxicating
suffocating addictive
solitude, the susceptibility
that eats away at my jaw,
escapism. But battling blackbirds!
Cursing a sparrow!
Drinking rain, singing
with a beak full of ants,
a beak full of ants. Oh,
no darker or less
illuminating than yours,
hole-nester, is the spring
that gave rise to me!
What is that heart-rending
quiet hubbub? In the nesting box
my young are learning to fly.
Oh, some six weeks of family life
and then hup
banish those kids.
(And display some strange behaviour sometimes,
suddenly smearing my droppings out
over a dead branch.)
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère