Robert Perišić
conductors have great memory
conductors have great memory, he gave mejust one look and that was enough for him
I never switch on the reading light
my head bobs in darkness
gazing through the window at woods
laughing heads of politicians on the poles by the road, elections
movies on VHS with many dead Iraqis
b production
a cigarette and a toilette in front of a tavern
an unfinished cheese sandwich
my fellow traveler gives me a look, silence
I put out my cigarette
and enter the bus
a head bobs
bus drives by, snubs out houses
northern wind drives out ghosts
those woods, towns, karst fields
open spaces, vast landscapes
nothing ever happens, a best-case scenario for them
© Translation: 2013, Milos Djurdjevic
conductors have great memory
kondukteri imaju sjajno pamćenje, jednom me
pogleda u facu i dosta mu je
lampicu za čitanje ne palim nikad
glava se treska u mraku
zurenje kroz prozor u šumu
glave političara na stupovima uz cestu, smiju se, izbori
filmovi na videu s puno mrtvih Iračana
b produkcija
cigareta i WC ispred neke birtije
nepojedeni sendvič sa sirom
kratki pogled suputnice i šutnja
gazim cigaretu
ulazim unutra
glava se treska
autobus juri uz pogašene kuće
bura tjera duhove
te šume, gradići, kraška polja
prostranstva, golemi predjeli
u kojima se, u najboljem slučaju, ništa ne događa
pogleda u facu i dosta mu je
lampicu za čitanje ne palim nikad
glava se treska u mraku
zurenje kroz prozor u šumu
glave političara na stupovima uz cestu, smiju se, izbori
filmovi na videu s puno mrtvih Iračana
b produkcija
cigareta i WC ispred neke birtije
nepojedeni sendvič sa sirom
kratki pogled suputnice i šutnja
gazim cigaretu
ulazim unutra
glava se treska
autobus juri uz pogašene kuće
bura tjera duhove
te šume, gradići, kraška polja
prostranstva, golemi predjeli
u kojima se, u najboljem slučaju, ništa ne događa
© 2012, Robert Perišić
From: Jednom kasnije
Publisher: SC Press, Zagreb
From: Jednom kasnije
Publisher: SC Press, Zagreb
Poems of Robert Perišić
conductors have great memory
conductors have great memory, he gave mejust one look and that was enough for him
I never switch on the reading light
my head bobs in darkness
gazing through the window at woods
laughing heads of politicians on the poles by the road, elections
movies on VHS with many dead Iraqis
b production
a cigarette and a toilette in front of a tavern
an unfinished cheese sandwich
my fellow traveler gives me a look, silence
I put out my cigarette
and enter the bus
a head bobs
bus drives by, snubs out houses
northern wind drives out ghosts
those woods, towns, karst fields
open spaces, vast landscapes
nothing ever happens, a best-case scenario for them
© 2013, Milos Djurdjevic
From: Jednom kasnije
From: Jednom kasnije
conductors have great memory
conductors have great memory, he gave mejust one look and that was enough for him
I never switch on the reading light
my head bobs in darkness
gazing through the window at woods
laughing heads of politicians on the poles by the road, elections
movies on VHS with many dead Iraqis
b production
a cigarette and a toilette in front of a tavern
an unfinished cheese sandwich
my fellow traveler gives me a look, silence
I put out my cigarette
and enter the bus
a head bobs
bus drives by, snubs out houses
northern wind drives out ghosts
those woods, towns, karst fields
open spaces, vast landscapes
nothing ever happens, a best-case scenario for them
© 2013, Milos Djurdjevic

LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère