Poetry International Poetry International

Anna Enquist


In Vienna we followed the feverish musician
around for three days.
These are the steps he ran on, crawled:
we felt them with bare hands,
sucked the grain of the roofbeam, a smudge of
soot from the chimney; dust we licked
from the cracks in the floor.

Out of the headphones of Japanese women
the Lacrimosa crackled; Spaniards whistled
the Figaro; school children ran around
the glass cases. Within these walls,
yes, to the measure of these rooms.
We pressed our cheeks against the window
and saw what had been seen: Blood Alley.



Door Wenen liepen we drie dagen
de koortsige muzikant achterna.
Op deze traptreden rende hij, kroop;
wij betastten ze met blote handen.
We zogen van de dakbalk de nerven,
van de schoorsteen de roetveeg. Wij
likten het stof uit de vloernaden.

Japanse vrouwen lieten het Lacrimosa
uit koptelefoons knetteren, Spanjaarden
floten de Figaro, schoolkinderen renden
rond de vitrines. Binnen deze muren,
ja, in de maat van deze vertrekken.
We drukten de wangen tegen het raam
en zagen wat gezien was: de Bloedsteeg.


In Vienna we followed the feverish musician
around for three days.
These are the steps he ran on, crawled:
we felt them with bare hands,
sucked the grain of the roofbeam, a smudge of
soot from the chimney; dust we licked
from the cracks in the floor.

Out of the headphones of Japanese women
the Lacrimosa crackled; Spaniards whistled
the Figaro; school children ran around
the glass cases. Within these walls,
yes, to the measure of these rooms.
We pressed our cheeks against the window
and saw what had been seen: Blood Alley.


In Vienna we followed the feverish musician
around for three days.
These are the steps he ran on, crawled:
we felt them with bare hands,
sucked the grain of the roofbeam, a smudge of
soot from the chimney; dust we licked
from the cracks in the floor.

Out of the headphones of Japanese women
the Lacrimosa crackled; Spaniards whistled
the Figaro; school children ran around
the glass cases. Within these walls,
yes, to the measure of these rooms.
We pressed our cheeks against the window
and saw what had been seen: Blood Alley.
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère