Anna Enquist
This is here, you think, this is now.Dry weeds, bear’s breech dead
by the asphalt. Desirous of place
you read the sky as a map.
You feel the hours. Midnight,
winter? It’s now, it’s here.
Snow had fallen, roof tiles
showed shadowy grey through white, you could hear
sparrows’ beaks tapping on stone.
The boy on the platform, you see
the bag by his shoes, how he moves
his shoulders, yawns, eats.
Till the train squeals past concrete,
the wind's pull fondles his hair. You think
a station in Germany, is it this late
you think. It’s all happening in grey convolutions
hissing beneath your skull. All,
all of it: the watery course of the tracks,
the stalks bled dry, tolling bells,
fireworks, the boy. It’s nothing,
a quivering cell wall, explosion, nothing.
© Translation: 1998, Lloyd Haft
Dit is hier, denk je, dit is nu.Het dorre onkruid, de dode bereklauw
langs het asfalt. Begerig naar plaats
lees je de hemel als een landkaart.
Je voelt de uren. Middernacht,
winter? Het is nu, het is hier.
Er was sneeuw gevallen, dakpannen
schemerden grijs door het wit, je kon
mussensnavels op steen horen tikken.
De jongen op het perron, je ziet
de tas bij zijn schoenen, hoe hij
zijn schouders beweegt, geeuwt en eet.
Tot de trein langs beton scheert,
de zuigwind zijn haar streelt. Je denkt
een station in Duitsland, zo laat al
denk je. Het gebeurt in de grijze windingen
die sissen onder je schedel. Alles,
alles: de waterige loop van de sporen,
de leeggebloede stengels, luidende klokken,
vuurwerk, de jongen. Het is niets,
een trillende celwand, explosie, niets.
© 1998, Anna Enquist
From: De tweede helft
Publisher: De Arbeiderspers, Amsterdam
From: De tweede helft
Publisher: De Arbeiderspers, Amsterdam
Poems of Anna Enquist
This is here, you think, this is now.Dry weeds, bear’s breech dead
by the asphalt. Desirous of place
you read the sky as a map.
You feel the hours. Midnight,
winter? It’s now, it’s here.
Snow had fallen, roof tiles
showed shadowy grey through white, you could hear
sparrows’ beaks tapping on stone.
The boy on the platform, you see
the bag by his shoes, how he moves
his shoulders, yawns, eats.
Till the train squeals past concrete,
the wind's pull fondles his hair. You think
a station in Germany, is it this late
you think. It’s all happening in grey convolutions
hissing beneath your skull. All,
all of it: the watery course of the tracks,
the stalks bled dry, tolling bells,
fireworks, the boy. It’s nothing,
a quivering cell wall, explosion, nothing.
© 1998, Lloyd Haft
From: De tweede helft
From: De tweede helft
This is here, you think, this is now.Dry weeds, bear’s breech dead
by the asphalt. Desirous of place
you read the sky as a map.
You feel the hours. Midnight,
winter? It’s now, it’s here.
Snow had fallen, roof tiles
showed shadowy grey through white, you could hear
sparrows’ beaks tapping on stone.
The boy on the platform, you see
the bag by his shoes, how he moves
his shoulders, yawns, eats.
Till the train squeals past concrete,
the wind's pull fondles his hair. You think
a station in Germany, is it this late
you think. It’s all happening in grey convolutions
hissing beneath your skull. All,
all of it: the watery course of the tracks,
the stalks bled dry, tolling bells,
fireworks, the boy. It’s nothing,
a quivering cell wall, explosion, nothing.
© 1998, Lloyd Haft

LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère