Hédi Kaddour
We walk together on the promenadeBelow houses where the English lived
A hundred years ago. Mimosa holds
Out against the Channel wind which throws
A purple-grounded cadmium light
On the stout stone steps
Where a woman’s shape revolves
Lost in her coat: foam, in which
There sometimes beats like an invisible
Heart the unrecaptured time
Of images, when thought
Weeps with rage before the beautiful
Ellipsis of a slate-gray day
Held aloft on a kite-string.
© Translation: 2010, Marilyn Hacker
From: Treason
Publisher: Yale University Press, New Haven, CT, 2010
From: Treason
Publisher: Yale University Press, New Haven, CT, 2010
We lopen samen over de gaanderijOnder de laatnegentiende-eeuwse
Huizen van Engelsen. De mimosa wijkt niet
Voor de Kanaalwind, die een paarsachtig
Cadmium licht werpt
Op de grote stenen treden
Waar een vrouwengestalte draait
Verloren in haar mantel: schuim,
Waarin soms klopt als een onzichtbaar
Hart de nooit ingehaalde tijd
Van de beelden, wanneer het denken
Huilt van woede bij de mooie
Elliptische orde van de leien dag
Gespannen door een vliegertouw.
© Vertaling: 2012, Martin de Haan
On marche ensemble sur le promenoirAu pied des maisons d’Anglais
Fin dix-neuvième. Les mimosas résistent
Au vent de la Manche qui jette
Une lumière cadmium à fond violet
Sur les grosses marches de pierre
Où tourne une silhouette de femme
Perdue dans son manteau : écume,
Où bat parfois comme un cœur
Invisible le temps jamais rattrapé
Des images, quand la pensée
Pleure de rage devant le bel
Ordre elliptique du jour d’ardoise
Que tend la corde d’un cerf-volant.
© 2010, Hédi Kaddour
From: Passage au Luxembourg
Publisher: Gallimard, Paris
From: Passage au Luxembourg
Publisher: Gallimard, Paris
Poems of Hédi Kaddour
We walk together on the promenadeBelow houses where the English lived
A hundred years ago. Mimosa holds
Out against the Channel wind which throws
A purple-grounded cadmium light
On the stout stone steps
Where a woman’s shape revolves
Lost in her coat: foam, in which
There sometimes beats like an invisible
Heart the unrecaptured time
Of images, when thought
Weeps with rage before the beautiful
Ellipsis of a slate-gray day
Held aloft on a kite-string.
© 2010, Marilyn Hacker
From: Treason
Publisher: 2010, Yale University Press, New Haven, CT
From: Treason
Publisher: 2010, Yale University Press, New Haven, CT
We walk together on the promenadeBelow houses where the English lived
A hundred years ago. Mimosa holds
Out against the Channel wind which throws
A purple-grounded cadmium light
On the stout stone steps
Where a woman’s shape revolves
Lost in her coat: foam, in which
There sometimes beats like an invisible
Heart the unrecaptured time
Of images, when thought
Weeps with rage before the beautiful
Ellipsis of a slate-gray day
Held aloft on a kite-string.
© 2010, Marilyn Hacker
From: Treason
Publisher: 2010, Yale University Press, New Haven, CT
From: Treason
Publisher: 2010, Yale University Press, New Haven, CT

LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère