Poetry International Poetry International

K. Satchidanandan


My body, a city,
my eyes, its cantonments.
In them the eternal vigilance
of watchful sentries.
A railway station between
my ears: there the unceasing tumult
of crowds that wait for
a mate or a prey and
fall asleep, tired: folks who
always miss their trains,
orphaned thoughts gone astray,
memories lost between
the chiming of bells and
the whistles of the wagons,
fire-filled dreams that pant
and wait for their green signals.
My veins are rivers, noisy
with anklets, my nerves, wires
that carry music and light.
My entrails are streets busy with traffic.

The four chambers of my heart:
one, a prison, dark
with the solitude of the dead;
one, a church, pale with sterile prayers;
one, a hospital, red with the
groans of the ailing, and
the odours of drugs;
one, a courtroom, blue with its
prolonged trials and neutral judgments.

How shall I describe the
port of my nose where
scents unfold their sails,
the untiring mills of my teeth
that grind the harshest of griefs,
the market of my tongue
full of noises and flavours,
the observatory of my skin
that records every change of season
in its language of signs,
the garden of my hairs
where the sun never rises,
the towers of my legs
brimming with stilled dances,
the office of my hands
peopled with clerks and files,
the sleepless factories of my glands
and the busy junctions of my joints?

In this city are the cries of birth
and the groans of death,
the temptings of the pimp
and the gospels of the saint,
the bargaining of the merchant
and the detachment of the monk,
caged forests and chained springs,
clouds that rain at a touch
and cuckoos concealed in mother-of-pearl,
the wounds of departures
and the wonders of arrivals,
the inns of kisses
and the zoos of emotions.

when you burn this body,
you are burning a city.
when you bury this body
you are burying a people.


Mijn lichaam, een stad,
mijn ogen, haar beschermende barakken
waarin eeuwige oplettendheid.
Een treinstation tussen
mijn oren: daar het onophoudelijk tumult
van menigten die wachten op
een vriend of een prooi
van lieden die vermoeid in slaap vallen
van mensen die immer hun trein missen,
verweesde gedachten die hun verwanten kwijtraakten,
herinneringen die verloren raken tussen
het belgerinkel en
het fluiten der wagons,
van vuur vervulde dromen die hijgen
en wachten op een groen sein.
Mijn aderen zijn rivieren, luidruchtig
met enkelbanden, mijn zenuwen, draden
die muziek en licht vervoeren.
Mijn ingewanden, straten druk van verkeer.
De vier kamers van mijn hart:
één, een gevangenis, donker
met de eenzaamheid van lijken;
één, een kerk, bleek van onvruchtbare gebeden;
één, een ziekenhuis, rood van
gekreun van patiënten en
de geur van medicijnen;
één, een rechtszaal, blauw van de
langlopende zaken en onpersoonlijke vonnissen.
Hoe zal ik de haven van
mijn neus beschrijven waar
geuren hun zeilen ontvouwen,
de onvermoeibare molens van mijn tanden
die het hardst verdriet vermalen,
de markt van mijn tong
vol geluiden en smaken,
het observatorium van mijn huid
die iedere verandering van seizoen optekent
in zijn geheime taal,
de tuin van mijn haren
waar de zon nooit opgaat,
de torens van mijn benen
boordevol verstilde dansen,
het kantoor van mijn handen
bemand met klerken en papieren,
de slapeloze fabrieken van mijn klieren
en de drukke kruispunten van mijn gewrichten,
wat kan ik zeggen?
In deze stad bestaan de kreten van geboorte
het kreunen van sterven,
de verleidingen van de pooier
de evangeliën van de heilige,
de onderhandelingen van de koopman
de onthechting van de monnik,
gekooide wouden en geketende bronnen,
wolken die regenen bij de minste aanraking
en koekoeken verstopt in paarlemoer,
de verwondingen van vertrek
en de wonderen van aankomst,
de herbergen van kussen
en de dierentuinen van emoties.
wanneer je dit lichaam verbrandt,
verbrand je een stad.
wanneer je dit lichaam begraaft
begraaf je een volk.



My body, a city,
my eyes, its cantonments.
In them the eternal vigilance
of watchful sentries.
A railway station between
my ears: there the unceasing tumult
of crowds that wait for
a mate or a prey and
fall asleep, tired: folks who
always miss their trains,
orphaned thoughts gone astray,
memories lost between
the chiming of bells and
the whistles of the wagons,
fire-filled dreams that pant
and wait for their green signals.
My veins are rivers, noisy
with anklets, my nerves, wires
that carry music and light.
My entrails are streets busy with traffic.

The four chambers of my heart:
one, a prison, dark
with the solitude of the dead;
one, a church, pale with sterile prayers;
one, a hospital, red with the
groans of the ailing, and
the odours of drugs;
one, a courtroom, blue with its
prolonged trials and neutral judgments.

How shall I describe the
port of my nose where
scents unfold their sails,
the untiring mills of my teeth
that grind the harshest of griefs,
the market of my tongue
full of noises and flavours,
the observatory of my skin
that records every change of season
in its language of signs,
the garden of my hairs
where the sun never rises,
the towers of my legs
brimming with stilled dances,
the office of my hands
peopled with clerks and files,
the sleepless factories of my glands
and the busy junctions of my joints?

In this city are the cries of birth
and the groans of death,
the temptings of the pimp
and the gospels of the saint,
the bargaining of the merchant
and the detachment of the monk,
caged forests and chained springs,
clouds that rain at a touch
and cuckoos concealed in mother-of-pearl,
the wounds of departures
and the wonders of arrivals,
the inns of kisses
and the zoos of emotions.

when you burn this body,
you are burning a city.
when you bury this body
you are burying a people.


My body, a city,
my eyes, its cantonments.
In them the eternal vigilance
of watchful sentries.
A railway station between
my ears: there the unceasing tumult
of crowds that wait for
a mate or a prey and
fall asleep, tired: folks who
always miss their trains,
orphaned thoughts gone astray,
memories lost between
the chiming of bells and
the whistles of the wagons,
fire-filled dreams that pant
and wait for their green signals.
My veins are rivers, noisy
with anklets, my nerves, wires
that carry music and light.
My entrails are streets busy with traffic.

The four chambers of my heart:
one, a prison, dark
with the solitude of the dead;
one, a church, pale with sterile prayers;
one, a hospital, red with the
groans of the ailing, and
the odours of drugs;
one, a courtroom, blue with its
prolonged trials and neutral judgments.

How shall I describe the
port of my nose where
scents unfold their sails,
the untiring mills of my teeth
that grind the harshest of griefs,
the market of my tongue
full of noises and flavours,
the observatory of my skin
that records every change of season
in its language of signs,
the garden of my hairs
where the sun never rises,
the towers of my legs
brimming with stilled dances,
the office of my hands
peopled with clerks and files,
the sleepless factories of my glands
and the busy junctions of my joints?

In this city are the cries of birth
and the groans of death,
the temptings of the pimp
and the gospels of the saint,
the bargaining of the merchant
and the detachment of the monk,
caged forests and chained springs,
clouds that rain at a touch
and cuckoos concealed in mother-of-pearl,
the wounds of departures
and the wonders of arrivals,
the inns of kisses
and the zoos of emotions.

when you burn this body,
you are burning a city.
when you bury this body
you are burying a people.
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Ludo Pieters Gastschrijver Fonds
Lira fonds
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère