Poetry International Poetry International

Michelle Grangaud

The sex is generally of a softer texture

The sex is generally of a softer texture than the rest of the body. It is more sensitive and very ticklish.
Soon it will be summer. The sky is pale and misty. He is lying on his back, legs apart, hands
under neck, in the flowered meadow next to the pond.
The sex is the point in which humans most resemble animals.
Garden helices, which are snails, find each other using their slimy trails, draw close to each other,
bite each other, penetrate each other and remain coupled for hours.
Conjugation is natural.
The statue standing at the edge of the swimming-pool has no head or arms, yet a rounded stomach,
generous pointing breasts, make it look strangely alive.
Shape No. 1
is prone to changes of shape. When excited, it swells, hardens, and rears up.
The concrete beam with the metal fringe, lifted by the crane, points toward the sky.
Shape No. 1 is arranged so as to penetrate shape No. 2.
Within the vista of the long dark porch, the glass pyramid can be seen at the end.
Shape No. 1 penetrates shape No. 2 to rub it from inside.
The rosebush forms a bright red hedge along the balcony.
Rubbing causes voluptuous excitement.
In the town centre, the poster announce NUDE GIRLS, LOVE ACT, TOTALLY NUDE GIRLS
Pleasure is stimulated and multiplied by fantasies.

Le sexe est de consistance généralement plus tendre

Le sexe est de consistance généralement plus tendre

Le sexe est de consistance généralement plus tendre que le reste du corps. Il est plus sensible
et très sujet au chatouillement.
C’est bientôt l’été. Le ciel est pâle et brumeux. Il est allongé sur le dos, jambes écartées,
les mains sous la nuque, dans la prairie en fleurs au bord de l’étang.
Le sexe est le point où les humains ressemblent le plus aux animaux.
Les hélices de jardin, qui sont des escargots, se retrouvent grâce à leurs traces baveuses,
s’accolent, se mordent, se pénètrent mutuellement et restent accouplés
pendant des heures.
La conjugaison est naturelle.
Debout au bord de la piscine, la statue n’a plus ni tête ni bras et pourtant le ventre bombé,
les seins généreux qui pointent, lui donnent un aspect étrangement vivant.
La forme n°1 est sujette à des changements de forme. Quand elle est excitée, elle enfle,
durcit et se redresse.
La poutre de béton à la frange métallique, emportée par la grue, pointe vers le ciel.
La forme n°1 est disposée de façon à pénétrer la forme n°2.
Dans la trouée du long porche obscur, on aperçoit, au bout, la pyramide de verre.
La forme n°1 pénètre la forme n°2 pour la frotter de l’intérieur.
Le buisson de roses forme une haie rouge vif le long du balcon.
Le frottement provoque une excitation voluptueuse.
Dans le centre-ville, les affiches annoncent NUDE GIRLS, LOVE ACT, TOTALLY NUDE GIRLS ON STAGE, THE CONDOR.
Le plaisir est stimulé et multiplié par les fantasmes.

The sex is generally of a softer texture

The sex is generally of a softer texture than the rest of the body. It is more sensitive and very ticklish.
Soon it will be summer. The sky is pale and misty. He is lying on his back, legs apart, hands
under neck, in the flowered meadow next to the pond.
The sex is the point in which humans most resemble animals.
Garden helices, which are snails, find each other using their slimy trails, draw close to each other,
bite each other, penetrate each other and remain coupled for hours.
Conjugation is natural.
The statue standing at the edge of the swimming-pool has no head or arms, yet a rounded stomach,
generous pointing breasts, make it look strangely alive.
Shape No. 1
is prone to changes of shape. When excited, it swells, hardens, and rears up.
The concrete beam with the metal fringe, lifted by the crane, points toward the sky.
Shape No. 1 is arranged so as to penetrate shape No. 2.
Within the vista of the long dark porch, the glass pyramid can be seen at the end.
Shape No. 1 penetrates shape No. 2 to rub it from inside.
The rosebush forms a bright red hedge along the balcony.
Rubbing causes voluptuous excitement.
In the town centre, the poster announce NUDE GIRLS, LOVE ACT, TOTALLY NUDE GIRLS
Pleasure is stimulated and multiplied by fantasies.

The sex is generally of a softer texture

The sex is generally of a softer texture than the rest of the body. It is more sensitive and very ticklish.
Soon it will be summer. The sky is pale and misty. He is lying on his back, legs apart, hands
under neck, in the flowered meadow next to the pond.
The sex is the point in which humans most resemble animals.
Garden helices, which are snails, find each other using their slimy trails, draw close to each other,
bite each other, penetrate each other and remain coupled for hours.
Conjugation is natural.
The statue standing at the edge of the swimming-pool has no head or arms, yet a rounded stomach,
generous pointing breasts, make it look strangely alive.
Shape No. 1
is prone to changes of shape. When excited, it swells, hardens, and rears up.
The concrete beam with the metal fringe, lifted by the crane, points toward the sky.
Shape No. 1 is arranged so as to penetrate shape No. 2.
Within the vista of the long dark porch, the glass pyramid can be seen at the end.
Shape No. 1 penetrates shape No. 2 to rub it from inside.
The rosebush forms a bright red hedge along the balcony.
Rubbing causes voluptuous excitement.
In the town centre, the poster announce NUDE GIRLS, LOVE ACT, TOTALLY NUDE GIRLS
Pleasure is stimulated and multiplied by fantasies.
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère