Poetry International Poetry International

Michelle Grangaud

january 2

January – 1. Roman Empire, Praetorians assassinate the 2 ordinary consuls & proclaim Pertinax,
Prefect of the city, the new Emperor, in place of Commodus, strangled the day before.
Geza, Hungarian tribal chief converted to Christianity by wife Princess Gisela,
daughter of Otto the Great, has self crowned King of now Christian Hungary & takes Christian
name Stephen. — King of Navarre Charles II dies, leaving heirs only large debts.
— Granada surrender ensures Queen of Castile victory over Muslims. — Dutch fleet
and Portuguese fleet fighting for 3 days off coast of Java. — Parisian philanthropist
Pierre de Chamousset starts Petite Poste, first successful attempt to systematically
distribute mail with public letterboxes, earns philanthropist 50,000 livres
in first year alone. —  French Republic divided into 83 départements. — After triumph
over Napoleon\'s troops, Dessalines proclaims independent Republic of Haiti.
— Spain, in village of Cabezas de San Juan, Colonel Riego, at head of battalion
on main square, proclaims 1812 Constitution. — China, Sun Yat-Sen proclaims
Republic, sworn in as President, promises religious tolerance & replaces lunar
calendar with solar. — Ceasefire line divides Kashmir in 2, one given to India, the other,
Azad Kashmir aka Free Kashmir, named Pakistan. — Cameroon proclaims independence
in French custody. — Colonel Jean Bedel Bokassa deposes Central African President
David Dacko, forced to cede powers. —  France: for all babies born on this day,
gift of 100 euros on savings account. — Natanya, suicide bombing, 1 dead (the suicide)
& 19 injured. — In Leipzig, a profane cantata by Johann Sebastian Bach,
Die Zeit, die Tag und Jahre macht, "Time which maketh day and year",
is sung for NewYear\'s Day.

Janvier 2

Janvier 2

Janvier – 1. Empire romain, prétoriens assassinent les 2 consuls ordinaires & proclament Pertinax,
Préfet de la ville, nouvel empereur, remplaçant empereur Commode,
étranglé la veille. — Géza, chef tribus hongroises converti christianisme
par épouse, princesse Gisèle nièce d’empereur Othon le Grand,
se fait couronner roi de Hongrie désormais chrétienne & prend nom chrétien
Étienne. — Roi de Navarre, Charles II, meurt, ne laissant à héritiers
que dettes considérables. — Reddition Grenade assure victoire
reine de Castille sur musulmans. — Non loin côtes île de Java, flotte
hollandaise et flotte portugaise s’affrontent depuis 3 jours. — Paris, philanthrope
Pierre de Chamousset fonde petite poste, 1ère entreprise réussie
distribution systématique courrier, avec boîtes aux lettres publiques,
rapportant à philanthrope 50 000 livres dès 1ère année. —  République
française répartie 83 départements. — Dessalines ayant vaincu troupes
napoléoniennes, proclame indépendance île Haïti. — Espagne,
dans le bourg Cabezas de San Juan, colonel Riego, s’étant rendu sur
Grand-place en tête de bataillon, proclame Constitution de 1812.
— Chine, Sun Yat-sen proclame République, prête serment comme président,
promet tolérance religieuse & remplace calendrier lunaire par
calendrier solaire. — Ligne de cessez-le-feu coupe Cachemire
en 2 morceaux, l’un attribué Inde, l’autre devenant Azad Kashmir =
« Cachemire libre », qui prend nom Pakistan. — Cameroun proclame
indépendance sous tutelle française. — Colonel Jean Bedel Bokassa
renverse président Centrafrique, David Dacko, contraint remettre pouvoirs.
—  France : pour tous bébés nés français ce jour, cadeau 100 euros
sur livret A caisse Épargne. — Natanya, attentat suicide, 1 mort
(le suicidé) & 19 blessés. — À Leipzig est chantée, pour ce jour de l’An,
une cantate profane de Jean-Sébastien Bach, Die Zeit, die Tag und
Jahre macht, « le temps qui fait le jour et l’an. »

january 2

January – 1. Roman Empire, Praetorians assassinate the 2 ordinary consuls & proclaim Pertinax,
Prefect of the city, the new Emperor, in place of Commodus, strangled the day before.
Geza, Hungarian tribal chief converted to Christianity by wife Princess Gisela,
daughter of Otto the Great, has self crowned King of now Christian Hungary & takes Christian
name Stephen. — King of Navarre Charles II dies, leaving heirs only large debts.
— Granada surrender ensures Queen of Castile victory over Muslims. — Dutch fleet
and Portuguese fleet fighting for 3 days off coast of Java. — Parisian philanthropist
Pierre de Chamousset starts Petite Poste, first successful attempt to systematically
distribute mail with public letterboxes, earns philanthropist 50,000 livres
in first year alone. —  French Republic divided into 83 départements. — After triumph
over Napoleon\'s troops, Dessalines proclaims independent Republic of Haiti.
— Spain, in village of Cabezas de San Juan, Colonel Riego, at head of battalion
on main square, proclaims 1812 Constitution. — China, Sun Yat-Sen proclaims
Republic, sworn in as President, promises religious tolerance & replaces lunar
calendar with solar. — Ceasefire line divides Kashmir in 2, one given to India, the other,
Azad Kashmir aka Free Kashmir, named Pakistan. — Cameroon proclaims independence
in French custody. — Colonel Jean Bedel Bokassa deposes Central African President
David Dacko, forced to cede powers. —  France: for all babies born on this day,
gift of 100 euros on savings account. — Natanya, suicide bombing, 1 dead (the suicide)
& 19 injured. — In Leipzig, a profane cantata by Johann Sebastian Bach,
Die Zeit, die Tag und Jahre macht, "Time which maketh day and year",
is sung for NewYear\'s Day.

january 2

January – 1. Roman Empire, Praetorians assassinate the 2 ordinary consuls & proclaim Pertinax,
Prefect of the city, the new Emperor, in place of Commodus, strangled the day before.
Geza, Hungarian tribal chief converted to Christianity by wife Princess Gisela,
daughter of Otto the Great, has self crowned King of now Christian Hungary & takes Christian
name Stephen. — King of Navarre Charles II dies, leaving heirs only large debts.
— Granada surrender ensures Queen of Castile victory over Muslims. — Dutch fleet
and Portuguese fleet fighting for 3 days off coast of Java. — Parisian philanthropist
Pierre de Chamousset starts Petite Poste, first successful attempt to systematically
distribute mail with public letterboxes, earns philanthropist 50,000 livres
in first year alone. —  French Republic divided into 83 départements. — After triumph
over Napoleon\'s troops, Dessalines proclaims independent Republic of Haiti.
— Spain, in village of Cabezas de San Juan, Colonel Riego, at head of battalion
on main square, proclaims 1812 Constitution. — China, Sun Yat-Sen proclaims
Republic, sworn in as President, promises religious tolerance & replaces lunar
calendar with solar. — Ceasefire line divides Kashmir in 2, one given to India, the other,
Azad Kashmir aka Free Kashmir, named Pakistan. — Cameroon proclaims independence
in French custody. — Colonel Jean Bedel Bokassa deposes Central African President
David Dacko, forced to cede powers. —  France: for all babies born on this day,
gift of 100 euros on savings account. — Natanya, suicide bombing, 1 dead (the suicide)
& 19 injured. — In Leipzig, a profane cantata by Johann Sebastian Bach,
Die Zeit, die Tag und Jahre macht, "Time which maketh day and year",
is sung for NewYear\'s Day.
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère