Poetry International Poetry International

Michelle Grangaud


Tornado, Passage de l’Aurès. The post offices, closed throughout France yesterday, reopen today.
The mail is delivered today at La Pomme, La Table, La Chaise, La Flotte,
La Châtelaine, La Fermeté, La Force, La Possession, La Veuve, La Morte, La Trinité,
La Compote, letters are received at Sarcelles Biches Agneaux Bourdon Ver Faucon
Cigogne, Autruche Caille Colombes Merles Merle Canari Grives Chatte Mouches Mouettes
Mouton Poisson, postcards flow in from Italy, Spain, Turkey, Greece,
they are in Iceland, Scotland, Austria, Portugal, Mexico, Hungary, Charente-Maritime, Finland,
Brazil, the Vaucluse, Japan, from which they send best regards,
how many best regards have passed each other by without recognising each other,
they leave for China, they leave for Florida, they return to South Africa, those who
don\'t leave receive very little mail, that\'s the law of communicating vessels,
biscotto salato tradizionale in Polish the Flood is called potop and goes marvellously
with wine or any other aperitif.

Night, Villa Brune. Listen: triplet, stretto, gruppetto, appoggiatura, scherzo, arpeggio, capriccio,
roulade, antiphon, andante, pizzicato, crescendo, aforzando, staccato, trill, fugue,
counterpoint, coda, nursery rhyme, blues, partita, cantilena, serenade, listen to the whispering
of the wind.



Tourbillon, passage de l’Aurès. Les bureaux de poste, fermés hier dans toute la France,
rouvrent aujourd’hui. On distribue le courrier à La Tronche, La Pomme,
La Table, La Chaise, La Flotte, La Châtelaine, La Fermeté, La Force,
La Possession, La Veuve, La Morte, La Trinité, La Compote, on reçoit des lettres
à Sarcelles Biches Agneaux Bourdon Ver Faucon Cigogne,
Autruche Caille Colombes Merles Merle Canari Grives Chatte Mouches Mouettes
Mouton Poisson, des cartes postales affluent d’Italie, d’Espagne,
de Turquie, de Grèce, ils sont en Islande, en Écosse, en Autriche,
au Portugal, au Mexique, en Hongrie, en Charente-Maritime, en Finlande,
au Brésil, dans le Vaucluse, au Japon, d’où ils envoient leurs amitiés,
combien d’amitiés se sont croisées en route sans se reconnaître, ils partent en Chine,
ils partent en Floride, ils retournent en Afrique du Sud, ceux qui
ne partent pas ne reçoivent que très peu de courrier, c’est la loi
des vases communicants, biscotto salato tradizionale en polonais le déluge
se dit potop et s’accommode à merveille avec du vin ou toute autre
boisson apéritive.

La nuit, Villa Brune. Écoute : triolet, strette, gruppetto, appoggiature, scherzo, arpège,
capriccio, roulade, antienne, andante, pizzicato, crescendo, aforzando,
staccato, trille, fugue, contrepoint, coda, comptine, blues, partita,
cantilène, sérénade, écoute les bruissements du vent.


Tornado, Passage de l’Aurès. The post offices, closed throughout France yesterday, reopen today.
The mail is delivered today at La Pomme, La Table, La Chaise, La Flotte,
La Châtelaine, La Fermeté, La Force, La Possession, La Veuve, La Morte, La Trinité,
La Compote, letters are received at Sarcelles Biches Agneaux Bourdon Ver Faucon
Cigogne, Autruche Caille Colombes Merles Merle Canari Grives Chatte Mouches Mouettes
Mouton Poisson, postcards flow in from Italy, Spain, Turkey, Greece,
they are in Iceland, Scotland, Austria, Portugal, Mexico, Hungary, Charente-Maritime, Finland,
Brazil, the Vaucluse, Japan, from which they send best regards,
how many best regards have passed each other by without recognising each other,
they leave for China, they leave for Florida, they return to South Africa, those who
don\'t leave receive very little mail, that\'s the law of communicating vessels,
biscotto salato tradizionale in Polish the Flood is called potop and goes marvellously
with wine or any other aperitif.

Night, Villa Brune. Listen: triplet, stretto, gruppetto, appoggiatura, scherzo, arpeggio, capriccio,
roulade, antiphon, andante, pizzicato, crescendo, aforzando, staccato, trill, fugue,
counterpoint, coda, nursery rhyme, blues, partita, cantilena, serenade, listen to the whispering
of the wind.


Tornado, Passage de l’Aurès. The post offices, closed throughout France yesterday, reopen today.
The mail is delivered today at La Pomme, La Table, La Chaise, La Flotte,
La Châtelaine, La Fermeté, La Force, La Possession, La Veuve, La Morte, La Trinité,
La Compote, letters are received at Sarcelles Biches Agneaux Bourdon Ver Faucon
Cigogne, Autruche Caille Colombes Merles Merle Canari Grives Chatte Mouches Mouettes
Mouton Poisson, postcards flow in from Italy, Spain, Turkey, Greece,
they are in Iceland, Scotland, Austria, Portugal, Mexico, Hungary, Charente-Maritime, Finland,
Brazil, the Vaucluse, Japan, from which they send best regards,
how many best regards have passed each other by without recognising each other,
they leave for China, they leave for Florida, they return to South Africa, those who
don\'t leave receive very little mail, that\'s the law of communicating vessels,
biscotto salato tradizionale in Polish the Flood is called potop and goes marvellously
with wine or any other aperitif.

Night, Villa Brune. Listen: triplet, stretto, gruppetto, appoggiatura, scherzo, arpeggio, capriccio,
roulade, antiphon, andante, pizzicato, crescendo, aforzando, staccato, trill, fugue,
counterpoint, coda, nursery rhyme, blues, partita, cantilena, serenade, listen to the whispering
of the wind.
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère