Poetry International Poetry International

Giampiero Neri


The owl is a bird dangerous at night
when it makes its appearance over its domain
like an actor on stage
who has cast off his role as a clown.
It makes its call heard
in an eerie voice,
flying in the night air.
Then its mockers keep quiet
and hide behind a shelter of leaves.
But the acts’ sequence is brief,
nature’s theater recedes.
As the day dawns,
the owl returns to its nest,
to its humble destiny.


’s Nachts is de steenuil een gevaarlijk dier.
Zodra hij in zijn territorium verschijnt
als een acteur op het toneel,
is hij niet meer het mikpunt van de spotters.
Met een vreemde stem
laat hij zijn lokroep horen,
scherend door de nachtelijke lucht.
Dan zwijgt degene die hem heeft bespot
en verbergt zich in het bladerdek.
Maar het toneelstuk is kort,
het natuurlijke theater wijkt.
Bij het aanbreken van de dag
keert de steenuil naar zijn nest,
naar zijn nederig bestaan.


La civetta è un uccello pericoloso di notte
quando appare sul suo terreno
come un attore sulla scena
ha smesso la sua parte di zimbello.
Con una strana voce
fa udire il suo richiamo,
vola nell’aria notturna.
Allora tace chi si prendeva gioco,
si nasconde dietro un riparo di foglie.
Ma è breve il seguito degli atti,
il teatro naturale si allontana.
All’apparire del giorno
la civetta ritorna al suo nido,
al suo dimesso destino.


The owl is a bird dangerous at night
when it makes its appearance over its domain
like an actor on stage
who has cast off his role as a clown.
It makes its call heard
in an eerie voice,
flying in the night air.
Then its mockers keep quiet
and hide behind a shelter of leaves.
But the acts’ sequence is brief,
nature’s theater recedes.
As the day dawns,
the owl returns to its nest,
to its humble destiny.


The owl is a bird dangerous at night
when it makes its appearance over its domain
like an actor on stage
who has cast off his role as a clown.
It makes its call heard
in an eerie voice,
flying in the night air.
Then its mockers keep quiet
and hide behind a shelter of leaves.
But the acts’ sequence is brief,
nature’s theater recedes.
As the day dawns,
the owl returns to its nest,
to its humble destiny.
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère