Poetry International Poetry International

Giampiero Neri


Lavarello is the Lombard name for a fish
that lives at the lake bottom. It has a tiny head,
like one who rarely needs to think. But by its
shape, it adapts to the depth. Silver white is
its color. It keeps to the confines of dark waters,
cold, and one assumes it’s lazy and pacific.
We see it occasionally on the fishmonger’s
counter, its body crowned by the redness of the gills.


Een lavarello is in Lombardije een vis die op de bodem van
het meer leeft. Hij heeft de kleine kop van wie
weinig moet denken. Maar zijn vorm past zich aan de diepte aan.
Zijn kleur is zilverwit. Binnen de grenzen van het koude,
donkere water lijkt hij bedaard en lui.
Soms zie je hem liggen in een viskraam, het lijf bekroond
met het felle rood van de kieuwen.


Lavarello è il nome lombardo di un pesce che vive sul fondo

del lago. Ha la testa piccola, come di chi deve pensare poco.
Ma per la forma si adatta alla profondità. Il colore è bianco

argento. Sta nei confini dell’acqua scura, fredda e si suppone

pigro e pacifico.

Sul banco del pescivendolo si vede qualche volta, il corpo

coronato dal rosso vivo delle branchie.


Lavarello is the Lombard name for a fish
that lives at the lake bottom. It has a tiny head,
like one who rarely needs to think. But by its
shape, it adapts to the depth. Silver white is
its color. It keeps to the confines of dark waters,
cold, and one assumes it’s lazy and pacific.
We see it occasionally on the fishmonger’s
counter, its body crowned by the redness of the gills.


Lavarello is the Lombard name for a fish
that lives at the lake bottom. It has a tiny head,
like one who rarely needs to think. But by its
shape, it adapts to the depth. Silver white is
its color. It keeps to the confines of dark waters,
cold, and one assumes it’s lazy and pacific.
We see it occasionally on the fishmonger’s
counter, its body crowned by the redness of the gills.
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère