Poetry International Poetry International

Herman Gorter

When no leaf stirred, long ago in the past


When no leaf stirred, long ago in the past,
she was born, autumnal silence’s bloom,
standing pale-bright while light weeps, overcast
rain falling from cloud banks that loom.

Amid the grimness she stood pale-bright,
blond hair trailing round eyes alight,
tears often flowing, hands all white,
a poor light girl who’s hungry for light.

Paint her with bloom-glow hues, with your
blood red, you new age that stand at the door.



Toen de tijden bladstil waren, lang geleen,
is ze geboren, in herfststilte een bloem,
die staat bleeklicht in ’t vale lichtgeween, –
regenen doen de wolken om haar om.

Ze stond bleeklicht midden in somberheid,
de lichte oogen, ’t blond haar daarom gespreid,
de witte handen, tranen op meen’gen tijd,
een licht arm meisje dat lichthonger lijdt.

Breng over haar bloemgloede kleuren, uw
bloedrood, o nieuw getijde dat is nu.

When no leaf stirred, long ago in the past


When no leaf stirred, long ago in the past,
she was born, autumnal silence’s bloom,
standing pale-bright while light weeps, overcast
rain falling from cloud banks that loom.

Amid the grimness she stood pale-bright,
blond hair trailing round eyes alight,
tears often flowing, hands all white,
a poor light girl who’s hungry for light.

Paint her with bloom-glow hues, with your
blood red, you new age that stand at the door.

When no leaf stirred, long ago in the past


When no leaf stirred, long ago in the past,
she was born, autumnal silence’s bloom,
standing pale-bright while light weeps, overcast
rain falling from cloud banks that loom.

Amid the grimness she stood pale-bright,
blond hair trailing round eyes alight,
tears often flowing, hands all white,
a poor light girl who’s hungry for light.

Paint her with bloom-glow hues, with your
blood red, you new age that stand at the door.
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère