Poetry International Poetry International

Herman Gorter

You see I love you, love


You see I love you, love,
I think you’re so sweet and so light –
your eyes are so full of light,
I love you, love. I love you, love.

And your nose and your mouth and your hair
and your eyes and your neck, where
your collar is and your ear,
your hair falling clear.

You see I’d like to be
you, but it’s not to be,
the light is round you, you are
quite simply what you are.

Yes, I love you, love,
I love you so utterly,
Just how much, I’m dying to say –
But I simply can’t find a way.



Zie je ik hou van je,
ik vin je zoo lief en zoo licht –
je oogen zijn zoo vol licht,
ik hou van je, ik hou van je.

En je neus en je mond en je haar
en je oogen en je hals waar
je kraagje zit en je oor
met je haar er voor.

Zie je ik wou graag zijn
jou, maar het kan niet zijn,
het licht is om je, je bent
nu toch wat je eenmaal bent.

O ja, ik hou van je,
ik hou zoo vrees’lijk van je,
ik wou het heelemaal zeggen –
Maar ik kan het toch niet zeggen.

You see I love you, love


You see I love you, love,
I think you’re so sweet and so light –
your eyes are so full of light,
I love you, love. I love you, love.

And your nose and your mouth and your hair
and your eyes and your neck, where
your collar is and your ear,
your hair falling clear.

You see I’d like to be
you, but it’s not to be,
the light is round you, you are
quite simply what you are.

Yes, I love you, love,
I love you so utterly,
Just how much, I’m dying to say –
But I simply can’t find a way.

You see I love you, love


You see I love you, love,
I think you’re so sweet and so light –
your eyes are so full of light,
I love you, love. I love you, love.

And your nose and your mouth and your hair
and your eyes and your neck, where
your collar is and your ear,
your hair falling clear.

You see I’d like to be
you, but it’s not to be,
the light is round you, you are
quite simply what you are.

Yes, I love you, love,
I love you so utterly,
Just how much, I’m dying to say –
But I simply can’t find a way.
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère