Poetry International Poetry International

Damir Šodan


Je pense à toi
the wild Scythian who roam the steppe
with enemy’s ears in your purse,
but I can’t – for the life of me – remember
where exactly you figure in that quote
by Herodotus, ‘the reporter’, as he was called
by our old professor, M. S., an expert
on Old Ages, Solon the law maker and the land
reforms under the Gracchi brothers,
about whom the freshmen maliciously
gossiped behind his back
that he was the partisan accordionist
who had an illegitimate daughter . . .

. . . because History
as a speedy barmaid
(Magistra Pipae)
dutifully wipes off her best and worst
children from the face of the earth
pushing them like wiped-clean
wedding plate
into that Common Place  
(Locus Communis)
so notorious and empty
that you could, for eons on end,
perfectly legitimately
serve the remainder
of your so-called compulsory service
to the Cross there.

Pismo divljem Skitu

Pismo divljem Skitu

Je pense à toi
divlji Skite koji lutaš stepom
s neprijateljskim ušima u torbi,
ali ne mogu se, da me ubiješ, sjetiti
gdje te ono točno spominje Herodot
‘reporter’, kako je u ono vrijeme
znao reći naš stari profesor M. S.,
stručnjak za Stari vijek, zakonodavca
Solona i agrarne reforme braće Grakhi,
za kojeg su brucoši zlobno iza leđa
govorkali da je bio partizanski harmonikaš
i da ima vanbračnu kćer . . .

. . . jer povijest
kao žustra pipničarka
(magistra pipae)
zdušno briše svoju najbolju
i najgoru djecu i gura ih
poput dobro počišćenog
svadbenog pladnja
u ono svima znano
Opće mjesto
(locus communis)
toliko razvikano i prazno
da bi u njemu eonima mogao
sasvim legitimno dosluživati
takozvani obavezni
križni rok.


Je pense à toi
the wild Scythian who roam the steppe
with enemy’s ears in your purse,
but I can’t – for the life of me – remember
where exactly you figure in that quote
by Herodotus, ‘the reporter’, as he was called
by our old professor, M. S., an expert
on Old Ages, Solon the law maker and the land
reforms under the Gracchi brothers,
about whom the freshmen maliciously
gossiped behind his back
that he was the partisan accordionist
who had an illegitimate daughter . . .

. . . because History
as a speedy barmaid
(Magistra Pipae)
dutifully wipes off her best and worst
children from the face of the earth
pushing them like wiped-clean
wedding plate
into that Common Place  
(Locus Communis)
so notorious and empty
that you could, for eons on end,
perfectly legitimately
serve the remainder
of your so-called compulsory service
to the Cross there.


Je pense à toi
the wild Scythian who roam the steppe
with enemy’s ears in your purse,
but I can’t – for the life of me – remember
where exactly you figure in that quote
by Herodotus, ‘the reporter’, as he was called
by our old professor, M. S., an expert
on Old Ages, Solon the law maker and the land
reforms under the Gracchi brothers,
about whom the freshmen maliciously
gossiped behind his back
that he was the partisan accordionist
who had an illegitimate daughter . . .

. . . because History
as a speedy barmaid
(Magistra Pipae)
dutifully wipes off her best and worst
children from the face of the earth
pushing them like wiped-clean
wedding plate
into that Common Place  
(Locus Communis)
so notorious and empty
that you could, for eons on end,
perfectly legitimately
serve the remainder
of your so-called compulsory service
to the Cross there.
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Ludo Pieters Gastschrijver Fonds
Lira fonds
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère