Poetry International Poetry International

J. Slauerhoff


Holland’s no place for me to live,
Raw passion there they can’t forgive.
Whatever would the neighbours think
Who peer and pant through every chink?
Give me the steppes, the open skies,
Where fellow-men don’t spoil one’s day:
No heron will flee my lusty cries,
No vixen start and scoot away.

Holland’s no place for me to die,
Rotting in soggy ground to lie
Where one has never really lived.
Rather roam, longing, low and high,
The company of nomads keep.
‘He’s failed,’ my smug compatriots sneer.
It’s true, I wish I’d cut more deep;
That’s cost this free man very dear.

Holland’s no place for me to live,
Your life to chasing goals you give,
Thinking of others constantly.
I must hurt only furtively,
Never thump someone’s ugly face
When I can’t stand their damned grimace.
Attacking people without a cause
Shows disrespect for moral laws.

In poky houses I’ll not live
Which Ugliness spawned on this shore
In towns and villages galore.
All walk stiff-collared, in black droves
– Not stylishly, but just to give
The feeling they know what behoves.
Each citizen the other greets,
Parading through the Sunday streets.

Holland’s no place for me to bide,
I’d ossify, seize up inside.
There life’s too stolid, too sedate,
Men weigh their words, dispassionate.
They’d never stick their own necks out,
The helpless, though, they single out.
No shrunken yokel’s head’s found this far north,
No glorious crime of passion ever blazes forth.



In Nederland wil ik niet leven,
Men moet er steeds zijn lusten reven,
Ter wille van de goede buren,
Die gretig door elk gaatje gluren.
’k Ga liever leven in de steppen,
Waar men geen last heeft van zijn naasten:
Om ’t krijschen van mijn lust zal zich geen reiger reppen,
Geen vos zijn tred verhaasten.

In Nederland wil ik niet sterven,
En in de natte grond bederven
Waarop men nimmer heeft geleefd.
Dan blijf ik liever hunkrend zwerven
En kom terecht bij de nomaden.
Mijn landgenooten smaden mij: ‘Hij is mislukt.’
Ja, dat ik hen niet meer kon schaden,
Heeft mij in vrijheid nog te vaak bedrukt.

In Nederland wil ik niet leven,
Men moet er altijd naar iets streven,
Om ’t welzijn van zijn medemenschen denken.
In het geniep slechts mag men krenken,
Maar niet een facie ranslen dat het knalt,
Alleen omdat die trek mij niet bevalt.
Iemand mishandlen zonder reden
Getuigt van tuchtelooze zeden.

Ik wil niet in die smalle huizen wonen,
Die Leelijkheid in steden en in dorpen
Bij duizendtallen heeft geworpen…
Daar loopen allen met een stijve boord
– Uit stijlgevoel niet, om te toonen
Dat men wel weet hoe het behoort –
Des Zondags om elkaar te groeten
De straten door in zwarte stoeten.

In Nederland wil ik niet blijven,
Ik zou dichtgroeien en verstijven.
Het gaat mij daar te kalm, te deftig,
Men spreekt er langzaam, wordt nooit heftig,
En danst nooit op het slappe koord.
Wel worden weerloozen gekweld,
Nooit wordt zoo’n plompe boerenkop gesneld,
En nooit, neen nooit gebeurt een mooie passiemoord.


Holland’s no place for me to live,
Raw passion there they can’t forgive.
Whatever would the neighbours think
Who peer and pant through every chink?
Give me the steppes, the open skies,
Where fellow-men don’t spoil one’s day:
No heron will flee my lusty cries,
No vixen start and scoot away.

Holland’s no place for me to die,
Rotting in soggy ground to lie
Where one has never really lived.
Rather roam, longing, low and high,
The company of nomads keep.
‘He’s failed,’ my smug compatriots sneer.
It’s true, I wish I’d cut more deep;
That’s cost this free man very dear.

Holland’s no place for me to live,
Your life to chasing goals you give,
Thinking of others constantly.
I must hurt only furtively,
Never thump someone’s ugly face
When I can’t stand their damned grimace.
Attacking people without a cause
Shows disrespect for moral laws.

In poky houses I’ll not live
Which Ugliness spawned on this shore
In towns and villages galore.
All walk stiff-collared, in black droves
– Not stylishly, but just to give
The feeling they know what behoves.
Each citizen the other greets,
Parading through the Sunday streets.

Holland’s no place for me to bide,
I’d ossify, seize up inside.
There life’s too stolid, too sedate,
Men weigh their words, dispassionate.
They’d never stick their own necks out,
The helpless, though, they single out.
No shrunken yokel’s head’s found this far north,
No glorious crime of passion ever blazes forth.


Holland’s no place for me to live,
Raw passion there they can’t forgive.
Whatever would the neighbours think
Who peer and pant through every chink?
Give me the steppes, the open skies,
Where fellow-men don’t spoil one’s day:
No heron will flee my lusty cries,
No vixen start and scoot away.

Holland’s no place for me to die,
Rotting in soggy ground to lie
Where one has never really lived.
Rather roam, longing, low and high,
The company of nomads keep.
‘He’s failed,’ my smug compatriots sneer.
It’s true, I wish I’d cut more deep;
That’s cost this free man very dear.

Holland’s no place for me to live,
Your life to chasing goals you give,
Thinking of others constantly.
I must hurt only furtively,
Never thump someone’s ugly face
When I can’t stand their damned grimace.
Attacking people without a cause
Shows disrespect for moral laws.

In poky houses I’ll not live
Which Ugliness spawned on this shore
In towns and villages galore.
All walk stiff-collared, in black droves
– Not stylishly, but just to give
The feeling they know what behoves.
Each citizen the other greets,
Parading through the Sunday streets.

Holland’s no place for me to bide,
I’d ossify, seize up inside.
There life’s too stolid, too sedate,
Men weigh their words, dispassionate.
They’d never stick their own necks out,
The helpless, though, they single out.
No shrunken yokel’s head’s found this far north,
No glorious crime of passion ever blazes forth.
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère