Poetry International Poetry International

J. Slauerhoff


Pizarro, at fifty, saw he had not
Gained much fame from his perilous life;
Plumes graced the hair of his first lady wife,
While a second tended his small family plot.

He was known as a murderer bold;
He had broken almost each and every law,
But that was precisely what laws were for
On Hispaniola – fifty years old.

His chance came: on a rotten caravelle
He made the journey never made before
And with a hundred men conquered Peru.

Fifty he was, only thirty I, who can tell
If I won’t find the sixth continent’s shore,
Though taking three steps is all I can do?



Pizarro had de vijftig overschreden
En weinig roem behaald uit veel gevaar;
Zijn eerste vrouw droeg veeren in het haar
En op zijn kleine akker werkte een tweede.

Hij stond bekend als drieste moordenaar,
Geen wet haast die hij niet had overtreden,
Maar dat behoorde tot de goede zeden
Op Hispaniola – hij was vijftig jaar.

Toen kwam de kans: met een vermolmd karveel
Maakte hij de reis die niemand vóór hem deed,
Veroverde met honderd man Peroe.

Vijftig was hij, ik dertig maar: wie weet
Ontdek ik niet het zesde werelddeel,
Al ben ik nu na een paar stappen moe?


Pizarro, at fifty, saw he had not
Gained much fame from his perilous life;
Plumes graced the hair of his first lady wife,
While a second tended his small family plot.

He was known as a murderer bold;
He had broken almost each and every law,
But that was precisely what laws were for
On Hispaniola – fifty years old.

His chance came: on a rotten caravelle
He made the journey never made before
And with a hundred men conquered Peru.

Fifty he was, only thirty I, who can tell
If I won’t find the sixth continent’s shore,
Though taking three steps is all I can do?


Pizarro, at fifty, saw he had not
Gained much fame from his perilous life;
Plumes graced the hair of his first lady wife,
While a second tended his small family plot.

He was known as a murderer bold;
He had broken almost each and every law,
But that was precisely what laws were for
On Hispaniola – fifty years old.

His chance came: on a rotten caravelle
He made the journey never made before
And with a hundred men conquered Peru.

Fifty he was, only thirty I, who can tell
If I won’t find the sixth continent’s shore,
Though taking three steps is all I can do?
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère