Poetry International Poetry International

Lêdo Ivo


So we could cross the river filled with stones
someone, with an ax, went up into the forest
and turned the living trees to planks and stakes.

The other side is just like this, in this divided land.
But we cross the bridge, and the shadow of someone
follows us, someone similar to us, who wanted to unite

what the water separates, flowing amongst its stones.


Opdat wij de rivier vol stenen zouden kunnen oversteken
is iemand, met een bijl bewapend, naar het bos gegaan
en heeft levende bomen omgewerkt tot planken en tot palen.
De overkant is net als deze, op de verdeelde aarde.
Maar wij gaan over de brug, gevolgd door iemands schaduw,
iemand die op ons lijkt en die geloofde te verenigen
dat wat het water scheidt dat stroomt tussen de stenen.


Para que pudéssemos atravessar o rio cheio de pedras
alguém, com um machado, subio até a floresta
e mudou árvores vivas em pranchas e mourões.

O outro lado é igual a este, na terra dividida.
Mas atravessamos a ponte, e nos segue a sombra
de alguém, semelhante a nós, que pensava unir

o que as águas separam, correndo entre pedras.


So we could cross the river filled with stones
someone, with an ax, went up into the forest
and turned the living trees to planks and stakes.

The other side is just like this, in this divided land.
But we cross the bridge, and the shadow of someone
follows us, someone similar to us, who wanted to unite

what the water separates, flowing amongst its stones.


So we could cross the river filled with stones
someone, with an ax, went up into the forest
and turned the living trees to planks and stakes.

The other side is just like this, in this divided land.
But we cross the bridge, and the shadow of someone
follows us, someone similar to us, who wanted to unite

what the water separates, flowing amongst its stones.
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère