Poetry International Poetry International

Nyk de Vries


Lisa looked very worried and for a moment I thought she had something important to say, but past the zoo she cheered up again. We walked on to the centre of town and in the evening we took part in a dance competition, which to our surprise we won brilliantly. The celebrations were crazy. An open car was waiting and after a wild drive they dropped us at the Plaza St. Ana, where it was raining confetti. At some stage I found myself in the fountain with the winner’s cup, trying to keep my head underwater for ten minutes. I’m not sure anymore why exactly. It just seemed like the right thing to do.


Lisa keek erg zorgelijk en even dacht ik dat ze iets belangrijks wilde vertellen. Maar voorbij de dierentuin was ze alweer vrolijk. We liepen door naar het centrum en ’s avonds deden we mee aan een danswedstrijd die we tot onze verrassing glansrijk wonnen. Het was een knotsgek festijn. Er stond een open wagen klaar en na een wilde rit werden we afgeleverd op de Plaza St. Ana. Daar regende het confetti en op een bepaald ogenblik lag ik met de bokaal in een fontein en probeerde tien minuten mijn hoofd onder water te houden. Ik weet ook niet precies meer waarom ik dat deed. Het leek op dat moment het juiste om te doen.


Lisa seach frijwat soarchlik en even tocht ik dat se wat belangryks fertelle woe, mar foarby de bistetún wie se al wer fleurich. Wy rûnen troch nei it sintrum en dy jûns dienen we mei oan in dûnswedstryd dy’t we ta ús fernuvering glânsryk wûnen. It wie in knotsgek festyn. Der stie in iepen wein klear en nei in bolbjirken tocht waarden we ôflevere op ’e Plaza St. Ana. Dêr reinde it konfetty en op in stuit lei ik mei de bokaal yn in fontein en besocht tsien minuten de holle ûnder wetter te hâlden. Ik wit ek net krekt mear wêrom’t ik dat die. It like op dat momint it bêste om te dwaan.


Lisa looked very worried and for a moment I thought she had something important to say, but past the zoo she cheered up again. We walked on to the centre of town and in the evening we took part in a dance competition, which to our surprise we won brilliantly. The celebrations were crazy. An open car was waiting and after a wild drive they dropped us at the Plaza St. Ana, where it was raining confetti. At some stage I found myself in the fountain with the winner’s cup, trying to keep my head underwater for ten minutes. I’m not sure anymore why exactly. It just seemed like the right thing to do.


Lisa looked very worried and for a moment I thought she had something important to say, but past the zoo she cheered up again. We walked on to the centre of town and in the evening we took part in a dance competition, which to our surprise we won brilliantly. The celebrations were crazy. An open car was waiting and after a wild drive they dropped us at the Plaza St. Ana, where it was raining confetti. At some stage I found myself in the fountain with the winner’s cup, trying to keep my head underwater for ten minutes. I’m not sure anymore why exactly. It just seemed like the right thing to do.
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