Poetry International Poetry International

Nyk de Vries


A dark car drove up and a small girl dressed as a clown got out. She took her bag and crossed the schoolyard. But at school it turned out that carnival wasn’t until next week. The girl was the only one with face paint and she cried inconsolably all morning. Around three her mother came back to pick her up. She was shocked to hear what had happened and, with tears in her eyes, related in detail everything that had gone wrong that morning. She’d probably have done better to keep it to herself. Explaining things, that’s something we’re all very good at.


Een donkere wagen kwam aangereden en een klein meisje stapte uit. Ze kreeg een tasje aangereikt en vrolijk verkleed als clowntje liep ze over het schoolplein. In de school bleek echter dat carnaval pas volgende week was. Het meisje was als enige geschminkt en de hele ochtend moest ze ontroostbaar huilen. Tegen drieën haalde haar moeder haar weer op. Die schrok hevig toen ze het verhaal hoorde en uitvoerig en met tranen in haar ogen vertelde ze wat er die ochtend allemaal mis was gegaan. Ze had misschien maar beter kunnen zwijgen. Dingen uitleggen, daar zijn we allemaal erg goed in.


In donkere wein kaam oanriden en in lyts famke stapte út. Se krige in taske oanrikt en fleurich ferklaaid as clowntsje rûn se it skoalplein oer. Yn ’e skoalle die lykwols bliken dat karnaval pas oare wike wie. It famke wie as iennichste sminkt en de hiele moarn moast se treasteleas gûle. Tsjin trijen kaam har mem om har wer op te heljen. Dy skrok raar doe’t se it ferhaal hearde en wiidweidich en mei triennen yn ’e eagen fertelde se wat der dy moarn allegear ferkeard gien wie. Se hie miskien mar better swije kind. Dingen útlizze, dat kinne we allegear hiel goed.


A dark car drove up and a small girl dressed as a clown got out. She took her bag and crossed the schoolyard. But at school it turned out that carnival wasn’t until next week. The girl was the only one with face paint and she cried inconsolably all morning. Around three her mother came back to pick her up. She was shocked to hear what had happened and, with tears in her eyes, related in detail everything that had gone wrong that morning. She’d probably have done better to keep it to herself. Explaining things, that’s something we’re all very good at.


A dark car drove up and a small girl dressed as a clown got out. She took her bag and crossed the schoolyard. But at school it turned out that carnival wasn’t until next week. The girl was the only one with face paint and she cried inconsolably all morning. Around three her mother came back to pick her up. She was shocked to hear what had happened and, with tears in her eyes, related in detail everything that had gone wrong that morning. She’d probably have done better to keep it to herself. Explaining things, that’s something we’re all very good at.
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