Branko Maleš
i\'m making a text
the fist that closes and then opensthat’s the pump that’s the heart-the muscle-fat
that’s the rhythm-good-hoot
children from school when you hopped
you played the cortazar’s hop-scotch
that’s the fist that throws
(in the sky)
a piece flat and squat
the sky is above 7
the sky is a circle’s slice
(why is it always a circle)
the best of pupils arrive in heaven
the fist that opens like wire into 5 senses
growing blooming lily is quite
good that we know the two of them: if and but
(this eliminates the possibility of a single truth)
our hairs are gray
and we make a story out of this
caoutchouc like a gaucho cheeps
that’s the throat’s delight
© Translation: 2007, Tomislav Kuzmanović
Pravim tekst
Pravim tekst
šaka koja se skuplja pa otvarato je pumpa to je srce-mišić-debel
to je ritam-dobar-dabar
djeca iz školice kad krenuste
igraste se školice cortasarove
to je šaka koja baca
(u nebo)
pljosnat plitičast komad
nebo je iznad 7
nebo je odsječak kruga
(zašto uvijek krug)
najbolji đaci stižu u nebo
šaka koja se rastvara žičasto u 5 smislova
rastuć cvatuć lokvanj jest posve
dobro je što poznajemo dvojicu: ako i ali
(to isključuje mogućnost jedne istine)
naše su kose sijede
i od toga pravimo priču
kaučukovac ko gaučo jauče:
to je uživanje grla
© 2002, Branko Maleš
From: Sjajno ništa - izbor iz poezije 1978 - 1998
Publisher: Lunapark, Zagreb
From: Sjajno ništa - izbor iz poezije 1978 - 1998
Publisher: Lunapark, Zagreb
Poems of Branko Maleš
i\'m making a text
the fist that closes and then opensthat’s the pump that’s the heart-the muscle-fat
that’s the rhythm-good-hoot
children from school when you hopped
you played the cortazar’s hop-scotch
that’s the fist that throws
(in the sky)
a piece flat and squat
the sky is above 7
the sky is a circle’s slice
(why is it always a circle)
the best of pupils arrive in heaven
the fist that opens like wire into 5 senses
growing blooming lily is quite
good that we know the two of them: if and but
(this eliminates the possibility of a single truth)
our hairs are gray
and we make a story out of this
caoutchouc like a gaucho cheeps
that’s the throat’s delight
© 2007, Tomislav Kuzmanović
From: Sjajno ništa - izbor iz poezije 1978 - 1998
From: Sjajno ništa - izbor iz poezije 1978 - 1998
i\'m making a text
the fist that closes and then opensthat’s the pump that’s the heart-the muscle-fat
that’s the rhythm-good-hoot
children from school when you hopped
you played the cortazar’s hop-scotch
that’s the fist that throws
(in the sky)
a piece flat and squat
the sky is above 7
the sky is a circle’s slice
(why is it always a circle)
the best of pupils arrive in heaven
the fist that opens like wire into 5 senses
growing blooming lily is quite
good that we know the two of them: if and but
(this eliminates the possibility of a single truth)
our hairs are gray
and we make a story out of this
caoutchouc like a gaucho cheeps
that’s the throat’s delight
© 2007, Tomislav Kuzmanović

LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère