Poetry International Poetry International
54th Poetry International Festival Rotterdam
Special: Poetry in sign language

Special: Poetry in sign language

Deaf and hard of hearing program

On Sunday 11 June, Poetry International Festival's programme is dominated by poetry in sign language and spoken sign. There will be performances in sign language by several deaf poets from the Netherlands and Belgium, and readings and interviews will be interpreted by Dutch Sign Language interpreters. The highlight are the performance by American deaf poet Justin Perez and The Deaf Twins Amina & Jamila Ouahid . The expressive Perez will also give a master class Visual Vernacular. The discussion programme 'There is a sign for that' focuses on poetry translation in sign language. In the foyer of LantarenVenster, you can order your drink in sign and spoken language at the Gebarencafé. 

This day is realised in cooperation with Sam Onclin, Kitchen's Light, Theater met Tolk and Stichting Welzijn Doven Rotterdam (Rotterdam Deaf Welfare Foundation) and with the support of the National Deaf Fund and Speaksee.

Take a look at the various program sections below, the exact starting times will ...


On Sunday 11 June, Poetry International Festival's programme is dominated by poetry in sign language and spoken sign. There will be performances in sign language by several deaf poets from the Netherlands and Belgium, and readings and interviews will be interpreted by Dutch Sign Language interpreters. The highlight are the performance by American deaf poet Justin Perez and The Deaf Twins Amina & Jamila Ouahid . The expressive Perez will also give a master class Visual Vernacular. The discussion programme 'There is a sign for that' focuses on poetry translation in sign language. In the foyer of LantarenVenster, you can order your drink in sign and spoken language at the Gebarencafé. 

This day is realised in cooperation with Sam Onclin, Kitchen's Light, Theater met Tolk and Stichting Welzijn Doven Rotterdam (Rotterdam Deaf Welfare Foundation) and with the support of the National Deaf Fund and Speaksee.

Take a look at the various program sections below, the exact starting times will be announced soon.

Morning program

10:30 - 11:30 hours Poetry's Peptalkshow (7+) - foyer LantarenVenster
Children's program featuring the poets Edward van de Vendel, Ruth Lasters Jörgen UNOM Gario and podcastmaker Sara de Monchy (of Sara's Mysteries)With Dutch Sign Language interpreter. 

11.00 - 12.30 hours Workshop Visual Vernacular by Justin Perez 
You must register in advance for this workshop. More information

Program from 1 pm to 7 pm 

From 13:00 - Sign Café
With sign language interpreter.

13:30 - 14:00 hours Performance The Deaf Twins: Amina & Jamila Ouahid
Jamila and Amina Ouahid from Sweden are world famous in the deaf community for their special and strong expressions. With poetry, song and battles, the twins Jamila and Amina will break norms and taboos. Through Visual Vernacular, a visual storytelling that uses gestures and facial expressions, the performance becomes accessible to everyone. Power leaves the audience — deaf as well as hearing — with many thoughts and reflections.

14:15 - 15:00 hours Conversation: Poetry translation in sign language
This conversation will be conducted in Dutch Sign Language (NGT) and will be interpreted by a writing interpreter and translated into spoken language (Dutch). Host: Tobias de Ronde

16:15 - 17:00 hours Performance and public masterclass Justin Perez (visual vernacular)
The American Justin Perez is one of the most famous deaf performers in the world. In this program he will give a special performance in visual vernacular. This is a theatrical way of 'storytelling' using sign language, poetry, mime and film. After his performance, Justin Perez gives a visual vernacular masterclass for everyone in the room. Get to know this way of storytelling from this genius storyteller. His gestures and facial expressions will stay with you for a long time. This programme will be interpreted by a writing interpreter and interpreter Dutch Sing Language (NGT). 

17:15 - 17:45 hours Quiz: What's the sign for that?

18:15 - 18:45 hours Performances by various deaf poets
Performances of Giselle Meijer, Brendan Lodder en Boaz Blume (poets of the deaf collective Kitchen's Light). Performances are in Dutch sign language.

 Visiters information
Are you visiting Poetry International Festival for the first time and do you have any questions? Take a look at the visitor information on this website. If your question is not answered, please contact us. For questions about the venue, programmes or ticket sales, please email kaartverkoop@poetry.nl.
In the week before the festival, the time schedule can be found on the website.

Sunday 11, June
LantarenVenster, various rooms
10:30 - 19:00 hours


Visit this program with a Day ticket for Sunday 11 June or Festivalpasse-partout

Dayticket Friday: € 22,50 
Dayticket Saturday: € 29,50 
Dayticket Sunday: € 22,50 
Passe-partout: € 50,00 
Prices do not include service costs of €1.50 per ticket.

50% discounts for RotterdamPas, CJP-pas and Studentscard

Language and duration

Dutch spoken. 

Festival poets

See also

Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère