Poetry International Poetry International

O. Nimigean

O. Nimigean

O. Nimigean

(Roemenië, 1962)
O. Nimigean was born on 19 July 1962. He graduated from the Alexandru I. Cuza University in Jassy with a degree in philology. Shortly after he began publishing poetry in the early 1990s, he garnered the reputation of being one of the freshest and most original voices in Romanian poetry. 
Nimigean is known for reinventing old forms and breathing new life into them. He reshapes the sonnet, ballad and elegy by making pastiches and satires of the classic poetic forms. This results in an eclectic voice: a blend of irony, sarcasm, political commentary and heart-felt lyricism.

Nimigean published steadily throughout the years and has been translated and anthologized in many different languages and countries. 
© Radu Vancu


Scrieri alese (Selected writings). Editura Pan, 1992
Week-end printre mutanți (Weekend among mutants). Editura Pan, 1993
Adio adio dragi poezii (Adieu, adieu, dear poems). Editura OuTopos, 1999
Planeta 0 (Planet Zero). Editura Junimea, 2002
Nicolina blues, Editura Cartea Românească, 2007
Nanabozo, Editura Cartea Românească, 2014

Mortido. Versus, 2003
Rădăcina de bucsau. Polirom, 2010 

As editor
Ozone Friendly. Jassy, Literary Reconfigurations. 2002 
Hat jemand etwas gefragt? Lyrikanthologie CLUB 8 – Jassy, Rumänien. With Michael Astner. Versus, 2005 
Oesterreichisches Gegenwartsprosa. With Michael Astner and Johannes Gelich. Wieser Verlag, 2005

In anthologies
Strieflicht. Eine Auswahl zeitgenössischer rumänischer Lyrik. Dionyssos Verlag, 1994 
City of dreams and whispers. Centre for Romanian Studies, 1998 
Club 8 Poetry. 2001 
Speaking the silence. Paralela 45, 2001
Grenzverkehr. Literarische Streifzüge zwischen Ost und West. Drava Verlag, Klagenfurt am Wörthersee, 2006
A critical panorama of Twentieth-Century Romanian poetry. Pontica, 2007
New European poets. Graywolf Press, Minnesota, 2008
The vanishing point that whistles. Talisman House, Aberdeen, 2011 
Of gentle wolves. Calypso Editions, Philadelphia, 2011

Profile on Contemporary Romanian Writers
Two poems in translation and with audio recordings on Qarrtsiluni
Video of Nimigean reading ‘Radacina de bucsau’ at the Institutul Blecher
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