Poetry International Poetry International

Milorad Stojević

Ondina Uncrowned II

Ondina’s flesh carries a flowerbed of logos and dregs
a flock of flying fucks, an atlas and puppy crumples,
- a torrent of cherubic golden froth stiffens the husks,
into magic yardsticks of iron with which they are fucked

the drunk scraper, the discard and Krupp are playing bridge
while ghosts lazily rumble like the sea in a lagoon
and change the cycles of vegetation like Coleridge
- while Christ and Plato masturbate in a prairie dune

Ondina sets fire to mown grass devouring the dry trap of the meridians,
the blind choir and stale air of the leaning tower of Pisa,
and somewhere a sea of gentians evaporates thru the belly button’s disk

the flutter of wasps’ wings, pistils, bells and monoliths
from which a poppy cartridge, full of blood, slides to the bowels.
and Ondina’s body? for that body – who gives a hang!

Ondina bez magistrala II

Ondina bez magistrala II

Ondina na puti drži lijehu logosa i drop,
jato ševa i lijet, atlas i kučji greben
- bujica zlatne pjene puttoa steže u trop,
u magične aršine gvožđa kojima je jeben

pjanac-rašpar, diskar i Krupp igraju bridž
a sablasti lijeno brenče kao u moru zaton
i miješaju cikluse vegetacije k\'o Coleridge
- dok u prerijskoj dini onaniraju Krist i Platon

Ondina pali kosu i ždere suhi trap meridijana,
kor slijepih i memlu s kosog tornja u Pisi,
a negdje, kroz disk pupka hlapi more encijana

lepet osinjih rila, tučkova i monolita
s kojeg čahura maka, puna krvi, u drob sklizi.
a Ondinino tijelo? za to tijelo – tko te pita!
Milorad  Stojević

Milorad Stojević

(Kroatië, 1948)


Ontdek andere dichters en gedichten uit Kroatië

Gedichten Dichters


Ontdek andere dichters en gedichten in het Kroatisch

Gedichten Dichters

Ondina bez magistrala II

Ondina na puti drži lijehu logosa i drop,
jato ševa i lijet, atlas i kučji greben
- bujica zlatne pjene puttoa steže u trop,
u magične aršine gvožđa kojima je jeben

pjanac-rašpar, diskar i Krupp igraju bridž
a sablasti lijeno brenče kao u moru zaton
i miješaju cikluse vegetacije k\'o Coleridge
- dok u prerijskoj dini onaniraju Krist i Platon

Ondina pali kosu i ždere suhi trap meridijana,
kor slijepih i memlu s kosog tornja u Pisi,
a negdje, kroz disk pupka hlapi more encijana

lepet osinjih rila, tučkova i monolita
s kojeg čahura maka, puna krvi, u drob sklizi.
a Ondinino tijelo? za to tijelo – tko te pita!

Ondina Uncrowned II

Ondina’s flesh carries a flowerbed of logos and dregs
a flock of flying fucks, an atlas and puppy crumples,
- a torrent of cherubic golden froth stiffens the husks,
into magic yardsticks of iron with which they are fucked

the drunk scraper, the discard and Krupp are playing bridge
while ghosts lazily rumble like the sea in a lagoon
and change the cycles of vegetation like Coleridge
- while Christ and Plato masturbate in a prairie dune

Ondina sets fire to mown grass devouring the dry trap of the meridians,
the blind choir and stale air of the leaning tower of Pisa,
and somewhere a sea of gentians evaporates thru the belly button’s disk

the flutter of wasps’ wings, pistils, bells and monoliths
from which a poppy cartridge, full of blood, slides to the bowels.
and Ondina’s body? for that body – who gives a hang!
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère