Felix Chow

Felix Chow
“You sealed your dreams in a ziplock bag, far away from
your Chinese eyes. Masks pressed on curb,
bloodstains rich as your mother’s love.”
- from: Yellow Stain on Your Chinese Blue
Felix Chow is a poet and academic from Hong Kong.
In his work, Chow is not afraid to deal with heavy and highly political topics, such as the Hong Kong student protests of 2019. Being a young person living in Hong Kong is central to his poetic and academic work. He also concerns himself with and makes use of the playfulness of Kongish, the type of English fused with Cantonese that is spoken in Hong Kong.
Chow double-majored in English and Hong Kong Studies, achieving first-class honours at the University of Hong Kong, and is currently working as a research assistant at the Hong Kong Metropolitan University’s School of Arts and Social Sciences. His poems have been published in several journals such as the Lincoln Review, Voice and Verse and CHA: An Asian Literary Journal. Additionally, Chow is a co-organizer of OutLoud Hong Kong, Hong Kong’s longest running English poetry collective. He also works as an English tutor.
Felix Chow has been honoured with several awards such as the Maisie Choa English Poetry Prize and has won the HKBU Century Club Citywide English Poetry Competition.
For five weeks, including during Poetry International Festival 2024, Felix Chow will be the Poet in Residence at Poetry International.
Bibliography (Poetry)
Chow, Felix. “Four Vignettes from a City on the Brink” and “Last Letter (Three)”, CHA: An Asian Literary Journal Issue 45 (January/February 2020)
Chow, Felix. “Back to School”, Voice & Verse 51 (January 2020): 80
Chow, Felix. "Nathan", Voice & Verse 56 (November-December 2020): 143
Chow, Felix. “Death By Water”. Lincoln Review Issue 2 (2021)
Chow, Felix. “英年早逝” and “Again”. Where Else: An International Hong Kong Poetry Anthology (2023)
Bibliography (Academic Work)
Conference Presentations
"Sau Leng and Sau Sing Kei: Contemporary Hong Kong Rap as Generational Discourse”. Hong Kong Popular Culture: Imagining a Research Field. UBC Hong Kong Studies Initiative. May. 2021
Leung, Maggie and Chow, Yue Ching Felix. “The Politics of Lyricism: The Localization of English According to Recent English Hong Kong Poetry”. The Politics of Language in Hong Kong. The Research Committee on The Politics of Language (RC50) of the International Political Science Association (IPSA) and the Research Group on Language Politics of the Global Research Network on Comparative Territorial Autonomies. 2023
Journal Articles
Huen, A., & Chow, F. (2023). Cosmopolitan Hybridity, Cultural Memory and Curation in Hong Kong Poetry.