Poetry International Poetry International

Stefan Hertmans


He ran into the street without a glance
and I, who becomes like him more and more,
thought he could make it to the door.

But he turns round around, cars racing
along the prom. Now he’s almost there
I’ll never get to him in time.

Just so my father, all his life,
could dream of my hand, as small
and quick, able to slip between some bars
into the depths of rock and water.

Life rushes in a wink.

Then I grab him – he unafraid,
His eyes wide open and so calm –

I with that fatal smash
That will never leave
My life and body.



Hij liep de straat op zonder kijken
en ik, die soms op hem begin te lijken,
dacht dat hij zo op huis aan kon.

Hij draait zich om, de auto’s razen
op de dijk. Nu hij er bijna is
kan ik hem nooit bereiken.

Zo is het dat mijn vader levenslang
kon dromen van een hand, al even klein
en snel, die tussen spijlen van een reling
kon ontglippen, in de diepte rots en water,

een leven in een wenk.

Zo grijp ik hem, hij zonder schrik
en ogen rustig open,

ik met een doodsmak in mijn lijf,
die ik een leven lang niet kan


He ran into the street without a glance
and I, who becomes like him more and more,
thought he could make it to the door.

But he turns round around, cars racing
along the prom. Now he’s almost there
I’ll never get to him in time.

Just so my father, all his life,
could dream of my hand, as small
and quick, able to slip between some bars
into the depths of rock and water.

Life rushes in a wink.

Then I grab him – he unafraid,
His eyes wide open and so calm –

I with that fatal smash
That will never leave
My life and body.


He ran into the street without a glance
and I, who becomes like him more and more,
thought he could make it to the door.

But he turns round around, cars racing
along the prom. Now he’s almost there
I’ll never get to him in time.

Just so my father, all his life,
could dream of my hand, as small
and quick, able to slip between some bars
into the depths of rock and water.

Life rushes in a wink.

Then I grab him – he unafraid,
His eyes wide open and so calm –

I with that fatal smash
That will never leave
My life and body.
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère