Miriam Van hee
if you try to fit in somewhereand it tires you out
someone asks his table-companions:
what is transcendental and you look at everything
left over on the plates, outside
leaves are whipped up by the wind, it’s going
to rain, you think, and that you aren’t afraid,
you say to yourself, at night
abroad, then someone asks you about
transience, whether you write to counter that
and if not, is it therapeutic then
you imagine gum-trees
in the tropics, cooing
doves in gum-trees
© Translation: 2005, Judith Wilkinson
brussel, jardin botanique
brussel, jardin botanique
als je probeert ergens bij te horenen je daar moe van wordt
iemand vraagt aan zijn tafelgenoten:
wat is transcendent en je kijkt naar alles
wat achterblijft op de borden, buiten
waaien plots bladeren op, het gaat
regenen, denk je, en dat je niet bang bent,
zeg je tegen jezelf, ’s nachts in het
buitenland, dan vraagt iemand jou naar
vergankelijkheid, of je daartegen schrijft
en zoniet, is het dan therapeutisch
je stelt je dan gombomen
voor in de tropen, koerende
duiven in gombomen
© 2002, Miriam Van hee
From: De bramenpluk
Publisher: De Bezige Bij, Amsterdam
From: De bramenpluk
Publisher: De Bezige Bij, Amsterdam
Poems of Miriam Van hee
if you try to fit in somewhereand it tires you out
someone asks his table-companions:
what is transcendental and you look at everything
left over on the plates, outside
leaves are whipped up by the wind, it’s going
to rain, you think, and that you aren’t afraid,
you say to yourself, at night
abroad, then someone asks you about
transience, whether you write to counter that
and if not, is it therapeutic then
you imagine gum-trees
in the tropics, cooing
doves in gum-trees
© 2005, Judith Wilkinson
From: De bramenpluk
From: De bramenpluk
if you try to fit in somewhereand it tires you out
someone asks his table-companions:
what is transcendental and you look at everything
left over on the plates, outside
leaves are whipped up by the wind, it’s going
to rain, you think, and that you aren’t afraid,
you say to yourself, at night
abroad, then someone asks you about
transience, whether you write to counter that
and if not, is it therapeutic then
you imagine gum-trees
in the tropics, cooing
doves in gum-trees
© 2005, Judith Wilkinson

LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère