Taja Kramberger
Les choses et les mots
(Things and Words)
Come to me,
fold me in your arms,
hold me tight.
Even when you leave, when you go on
a journey (into a washing machine)
think of me sometimes.
I’m here, waiting for you.
I’m coming. And thank you for
the support. Today it’s hard to find
somebody you can lean on.
Even when I’m
on holiday, I’m glad to be back, because
you are the only thing, through which I can
pull open, I can reveal myself entirely.
In the room next to mine, somebody’s
hanging the curtains.
He is taking part in a ceremony of marriage
between things of which he knows nothing.
© Translation: 2002, Anne Talvaz and Taja Kramberger
From: Različni jeziki / Linguaggi di-versi / Different Languages / Langages di-vers
Publisher: Libris Koper, , 2004
From: Različni jeziki / Linguaggi di-versi / Different Languages / Langages di-vers
Publisher: Libris Koper, , 2004
Les choses et les mots
(Things and Words)
Les choses et les mots
(Things and Words)
Pridi k meni,
objemi me,
trdno se me drži.
Tudi ko se oddaljiš, ko odideš
na potovanje (v pralni stroj),
pomisli kdaj name.
Tu sem in te čakam.
Prihajam. In hvala za
oporo. Danes je težko najti nekoga,
na kogar se lahko nasloniš.
Tudi ko bom
na dopustu, se rada vrnem, saj si ti
edina stvar, ob kateri se lahko
razkrijem, razgrnem v celoti.
V sosednjem prostoru nekdo obeša zavese.
Sodeluje v obredu poroke med stvarmi,
o katerem nič ne ve.
© 2002, Taja Kramberger
From: Mobilizacije / Mobilisations / Mobilizations / Mobilitazioni
Publisher: Tropos / Zrakogled, Ljubljana - Koper
From: Mobilizacije / Mobilisations / Mobilizations / Mobilitazioni
Publisher: Tropos / Zrakogled, Ljubljana - Koper
Poems of Taja Kramberger
Les choses et les mots
(Things and Words)
Come to me,
fold me in your arms,
hold me tight.
Even when you leave, when you go on
a journey (into a washing machine)
think of me sometimes.
I’m here, waiting for you.
I’m coming. And thank you for
the support. Today it’s hard to find
somebody you can lean on.
Even when I’m
on holiday, I’m glad to be back, because
you are the only thing, through which I can
pull open, I can reveal myself entirely.
In the room next to mine, somebody’s
hanging the curtains.
He is taking part in a ceremony of marriage
between things of which he knows nothing.
© 2002, Anne Talvaz and Taja Kramberger
From: Različni jeziki / Linguaggi di-versi / Different Languages / Langages di-vers
Publisher: 2004, Libris Koper, Ljubljana - Koper
From: Različni jeziki / Linguaggi di-versi / Different Languages / Langages di-vers
Publisher: 2004, Libris Koper, Ljubljana - Koper
Les choses et les mots
(Things and Words)
Come to me,
fold me in your arms,
hold me tight.
Even when you leave, when you go on
a journey (into a washing machine)
think of me sometimes.
I’m here, waiting for you.
I’m coming. And thank you for
the support. Today it’s hard to find
somebody you can lean on.
Even when I’m
on holiday, I’m glad to be back, because
you are the only thing, through which I can
pull open, I can reveal myself entirely.
In the room next to mine, somebody’s
hanging the curtains.
He is taking part in a ceremony of marriage
between things of which he knows nothing.
© 2002, Anne Talvaz and Taja Kramberger
From: Različni jeziki / Linguaggi di-versi / Different Languages / Langages di-vers
Publisher: 2004, Libris Koper,
From: Različni jeziki / Linguaggi di-versi / Different Languages / Langages di-vers
Publisher: 2004, Libris Koper,
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