Poetry International Poetry International

Alfred Brendel

A pig

A pig
a real porker
has recently been phoning me daily
He grunts out his life
as it were
in his own swill
There he reclines
holding the phone to his pink ear
stumpy legs in the air
these days even pigs have a private phone
in their sties
trendy farmers attend to their every need
Since yesterday he calls me his chum
I\'m chummy back
mindful of the butcher\'s knife
and the bacon
We\'re better off though
worms are all that eat us
and we
in return
can explode continents
and play the piano

A pig

Neuerdings ruft ein Schwein
ein richtiges Speckschwein
täglich bei mir an
Grunzend erzählt es mir sein Leben
metaphorisch gesprochen
im eigenen Schlamm
Gewiß liegt es rosig da
den Hörer am Schweinsohr
die Beinchen von sich gestreckt
heutzutage haben auch Schweine ihren Privat-
im eigenen Koben
ein fortschrittlicher Landwirt
läßt es den Tieren an nichts fehlen
Seit gestern duzt es mich
ich duze zurück
eingedenk des Schlachtmessers
und des Schinkens
Da haben wirs doch noch besser
uns fressen höchstens die Würmer
dafür können wir
Kontinente in die Luft jagen
und Klavier spielen

A pig

A pig
a real porker
has recently been phoning me daily
He grunts out his life
as it were
in his own swill
There he reclines
holding the phone to his pink ear
stumpy legs in the air
these days even pigs have a private phone
in their sties
trendy farmers attend to their every need
Since yesterday he calls me his chum
I\'m chummy back
mindful of the butcher\'s knife
and the bacon
We\'re better off though
worms are all that eat us
and we
in return
can explode continents
and play the piano

A pig

A pig
a real porker
has recently been phoning me daily
He grunts out his life
as it were
in his own swill
There he reclines
holding the phone to his pink ear
stumpy legs in the air
these days even pigs have a private phone
in their sties
trendy farmers attend to their every need
Since yesterday he calls me his chum
I\'m chummy back
mindful of the butcher\'s knife
and the bacon
We\'re better off though
worms are all that eat us
and we
in return
can explode continents
and play the piano
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère