Poetry International Poetry International

Alfred Brendel


lie scattered upside down
like stranded whales
Black smoke
billows from the rooftops
The dome of Santa Maria Maggiore sinks moaning
into the lagoon
One final explosion
rips apart the Doge’s Palace
Swept along by the flood
the size of tomcats
paddle about inside San Marco
and bite the clerics
who struggle to salvage what’s left of their Saint
When all is over
Mario Praz
the master of ceremonies
faces himself in the mirror
ready for the duel
of evil eyes


Am Ufer
liegen die Gondeln
wie gestrandete Wale
Aus den Dachstühlen am Canal Grande
dringt schwarzer Rauch
versinkt die Kuppel von Santa Maria Maggiore
in der Lagune
Eine letzte Explosion
zerstückelt den Dogenpalast
Die Ratten
haben die Größe von Hauskatzen erreicht
Von der Flutwelle erfaßt
plätschern sie im Innern von San Marco
und beißen die Priester
die versuchen
die Gebeine des Heiligen zu retten
lenkt Mario Praz die Ereignisse
und richtet
als alles vollbracht ist
seinen Blick
im Spiegel
auf sich selbst


lie scattered upside down
like stranded whales
Black smoke
billows from the rooftops
The dome of Santa Maria Maggiore sinks moaning
into the lagoon
One final explosion
rips apart the Doge’s Palace
Swept along by the flood
the size of tomcats
paddle about inside San Marco
and bite the clerics
who struggle to salvage what’s left of their Saint
When all is over
Mario Praz
the master of ceremonies
faces himself in the mirror
ready for the duel
of evil eyes


lie scattered upside down
like stranded whales
Black smoke
billows from the rooftops
The dome of Santa Maria Maggiore sinks moaning
into the lagoon
One final explosion
rips apart the Doge’s Palace
Swept along by the flood
the size of tomcats
paddle about inside San Marco
and bite the clerics
who struggle to salvage what’s left of their Saint
When all is over
Mario Praz
the master of ceremonies
faces himself in the mirror
ready for the duel
of evil eyes
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère