Poetry International Poetry International

Luiza Neto Jorge


Exaltation of the minimal
and the magnificent lightning
of the master event
restore to me my form
my splendor.

A tiny crib cradles me
where the word elides
into matter – into metaphor –
as needed, lightly, wherever
it echoes and slides.

the sound that swells in it
when pronounced,
is an exalted fragrance
lost in the storm,

a magnificent minimal entity
shedding on me
its leaves of lightning.

A Magnólia

A Magnólia

A exaltação do mínimo,
e o magnífico relâmpago
do acontecimento mestre
restituem-me a forma
o meu resplendor.

Um diminuto berço me recolhe
onde a palavra se elide
na matéria – na metáfora –
necessária, e leve, a cada um
onde se ecoa e resvala.

A magnólia,
o som que se desenvolve nela
quando pronunciada,
é um exaltado aroma
perdido na tempestade,

um mínimo ente magnífico
desfolhando relâmpagos
sobre mim.


Exaltation of the minimal
and the magnificent lightning
of the master event
restore to me my form
my splendor.

A tiny crib cradles me
where the word elides
into matter – into metaphor –
as needed, lightly, wherever
it echoes and slides.

the sound that swells in it
when pronounced,
is an exalted fragrance
lost in the storm,

a magnificent minimal entity
shedding on me
its leaves of lightning.


Exaltation of the minimal
and the magnificent lightning
of the master event
restore to me my form
my splendor.

A tiny crib cradles me
where the word elides
into matter – into metaphor –
as needed, lightly, wherever
it echoes and slides.

the sound that swells in it
when pronounced,
is an exalted fragrance
lost in the storm,

a magnificent minimal entity
shedding on me
its leaves of lightning.
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère