Poetry International Poetry International

Tsead Bruinja


smoke from the seventies asleep in his tash as anger
aimed at kids in a driving ford escort where dad the word
his unproven wrongness stays over

let’s see who has the juiciest breasts in class
let’s ogle those tops during the break

my mouth is a convent full of oohs and aahs
but I won’t drop my pants
I won’t drop my jaw
for the teacher

in his village the coots and magpies fight
on his branch a groggy grape bobs up and down

I want a mighty key-chain as a concierge
I want an undeniable dexterity
with appliances


during the many repairs
I would often like nothing better than to heartily visit
      those who had the most wonderful breasts

in my village the coots and crows fight



rook uit de jaren zeventig slaapt in zijn snor als woede op
kinderen in een rijdende ford escort waar vader het woord
zijn onbewezen ongelijk logeert

even kijken wie de lekkerste borsten heeft tijdens het college
even snoepen van de truitjes in de pauze

mijn mond is een klooster vol oeh’s en ah’s
maar ik laat mijn broek niet zakken
ik laat mijn kaak niet zakken
voor de docent

in zijn dorp vechten meerkoeten en eksters
aan zijn tak wipt een doezelende druif op en neer

ik wil een machtige sleutelbos als conciërge
ik wil een niet te beledigen behendigheid
met apparaten


tijdens het vele repareren
wil ik vaak niets liever dan hartelijk komen kijken
      bij wie de heerlijkste borsten had

in mijn dorp vechten meerkoeten en kraaien


smoke from the seventies asleep in his tash as anger
aimed at kids in a driving ford escort where dad the word
his unproven wrongness stays over

let’s see who has the juiciest breasts in class
let’s ogle those tops during the break

my mouth is a convent full of oohs and aahs
but I won’t drop my pants
I won’t drop my jaw
for the teacher

in his village the coots and magpies fight
on his branch a groggy grape bobs up and down

I want a mighty key-chain as a concierge
I want an undeniable dexterity
with appliances


during the many repairs
I would often like nothing better than to heartily visit
      those who had the most wonderful breasts

in my village the coots and crows fight


smoke from the seventies asleep in his tash as anger
aimed at kids in a driving ford escort where dad the word
his unproven wrongness stays over

let’s see who has the juiciest breasts in class
let’s ogle those tops during the break

my mouth is a convent full of oohs and aahs
but I won’t drop my pants
I won’t drop my jaw
for the teacher

in his village the coots and magpies fight
on his branch a groggy grape bobs up and down

I want a mighty key-chain as a concierge
I want an undeniable dexterity
with appliances


during the many repairs
I would often like nothing better than to heartily visit
      those who had the most wonderful breasts

in my village the coots and crows fight
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère