Poetry International Poetry International

Tsead Bruinja


                        what’s nice
                        with what

                        F. van Dixhoorn

to see the bridge
and think it away

on the other side
a friend waving

without phone
without address

gone when you
turn round

bend the water
see and think away

then number fish
and file

not to forget the friend
but take along
and bury

deep in the sand

let another carry you

choose new friend

think how to bridge



                        wat is lekker
                        bij wat

                        F. van Dixhoorn

de brug zien
en hem wegdenken

aan de overkant
een wuivende vriend

zonder telefoon
zonder adres

weg als je
je omdraait

buigen het water
zien en weg denken

dan vissen nummeren
en opbergen

niet de vriend vergeten
maar meenemen
en begraven

diep in het zand

je door een ander laten dragen

nieuwe vriend kiezen

bruggetje bedenken


                        what’s nice
                        with what

                        F. van Dixhoorn

to see the bridge
and think it away

on the other side
a friend waving

without phone
without address

gone when you
turn round

bend the water
see and think away

then number fish
and file

not to forget the friend
but take along
and bury

deep in the sand

let another carry you

choose new friend

think how to bridge


                        what’s nice
                        with what

                        F. van Dixhoorn

to see the bridge
and think it away

on the other side
a friend waving

without phone
without address

gone when you
turn round

bend the water
see and think away

then number fish
and file

not to forget the friend
but take along
and bury

deep in the sand

let another carry you

choose new friend

think how to bridge
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère