Poetry International Poetry International

Rutger Kopland

Abe Lenstra

We were at the match, it was raining and blowing a gale,
surrounded by the smell of cigars, wet grass and wet men,

a roaring and stamping of feet around us,
football was war, even then.

Father, do you remember how for a second it became dead-still,
the ball came, came out of the grey sky
and blew in front of the goal,

no one had seen he was standing there.

Do you remember how he then just nodded his head,
almost humbly, almost shyly, almost in apology.

We had lost before we realized. Abe.

Abe Lenstra

Abe Lenstra

We stonden bij Achilles, het regende en woei,
in een geur van sigaren, nat gras en natte mannen,

het gromde en stampvoette om ons heen,
voetbal was oorlog, toen al.

Vader, weet je nog hoe het even doodstil werd,
de bal kwam, hij kwam uit de grauwe lucht
en woei voor het doel,

niemand had gezien dat hij daar stond.

Weet je nog hoe hij toen even met zijn hoofd knikte,
bijna ootmoedig, bijna verlegen, bijna verontschuldigend.

We hadden verloren voor we het wisten. Abe.

Abe Lenstra

We were at the match, it was raining and blowing a gale,
surrounded by the smell of cigars, wet grass and wet men,

a roaring and stamping of feet around us,
football was war, even then.

Father, do you remember how for a second it became dead-still,
the ball came, came out of the grey sky
and blew in front of the goal,

no one had seen he was standing there.

Do you remember how he then just nodded his head,
almost humbly, almost shyly, almost in apology.

We had lost before we realized. Abe.

Abe Lenstra

We were at the match, it was raining and blowing a gale,
surrounded by the smell of cigars, wet grass and wet men,

a roaring and stamping of feet around us,
football was war, even then.

Father, do you remember how for a second it became dead-still,
the ball came, came out of the grey sky
and blew in front of the goal,

no one had seen he was standing there.

Do you remember how he then just nodded his head,
almost humbly, almost shyly, almost in apology.

We had lost before we realized. Abe.
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère