Poetry International Poetry International

Arjen Duinker

Glittering passage

Glittering on the other side of fantasy,
Disguised as a wooden anchor,
Yesterday drifted through the canal
Outstanding obscurity.

Breathless the street checked its step,
Opposite equally breathless.
Finally the undistinguishable showed itself,
Floating through the canal without secrets.

First we looked warily,
With fear, fear of betrayal,
White lies, consolation, sentiment
That we thought to be symbolic.

But the way that it went, slowly
Through the unreal canal, obscurity.
‘Spectrum of sparks, be welcome!’
Briefly we thought ourselves pure.

Then the bridge was raised.
Panic broke our hearts.
Whispers, stammering, disbelief,
Cries of loathing, dismay.

In vain. Superior to the character
Of the crowd the glittering slid by,
Truly without being obscure,
To the other side of the bridge.

We vaguely saw a glow, memory
That faded slowly in the distance.
O formidable obscurity! Grumbling
And cursing we retreated once more into nature.

Glinstering op doortocht

Glinstering op doortocht

Glinstering aan gene zijde van de fantasie,
Vermomd als houten anker,
Gisteren dreef door het kanaal
Uitnemende onduidelijkheid.

Ademloos hield de straat zijn pas in,
Even ademloos de overkant.
Eindelijk toonde zich het niet te onderscheidene,
Drijvend door het kanaal zonder geheimen.

Eerst keken wij wantrouwend,
Met vrees, vrees voor bedrog,
Leugentjes om bestwil, troost, sentiment
Dat wij beschouwden als symbool.

Maar zoals ze daar ging, traag
Door het irreële kanaal, onduidelijkheid.
‘Spectrum van vonken, wees welkom!’
Even waanden wij ons zuiver.

Toen ging de brug open.
Paniek brak onze harten.
Gefluister, stamelen, ongeloof,
Kreten van walging, ontsteltenis.

Vergeefs. Superieur aan het karakter
Van de menigte gleed de glinstering,
Waarachtig zonder obscuur te zijn,
Naar gene zijde van de brug.

Wij zagen nog vaag een gloed, herinnering
Die langzaam doofde in de verte.
O formidabele onduidelijkheid! Morrend
En vloekend trokken wij ons weer terug in de natuur.

Glittering passage

Glittering on the other side of fantasy,
Disguised as a wooden anchor,
Yesterday drifted through the canal
Outstanding obscurity.

Breathless the street checked its step,
Opposite equally breathless.
Finally the undistinguishable showed itself,
Floating through the canal without secrets.

First we looked warily,
With fear, fear of betrayal,
White lies, consolation, sentiment
That we thought to be symbolic.

But the way that it went, slowly
Through the unreal canal, obscurity.
‘Spectrum of sparks, be welcome!’
Briefly we thought ourselves pure.

Then the bridge was raised.
Panic broke our hearts.
Whispers, stammering, disbelief,
Cries of loathing, dismay.

In vain. Superior to the character
Of the crowd the glittering slid by,
Truly without being obscure,
To the other side of the bridge.

We vaguely saw a glow, memory
That faded slowly in the distance.
O formidable obscurity! Grumbling
And cursing we retreated once more into nature.

Glittering passage

Glittering on the other side of fantasy,
Disguised as a wooden anchor,
Yesterday drifted through the canal
Outstanding obscurity.

Breathless the street checked its step,
Opposite equally breathless.
Finally the undistinguishable showed itself,
Floating through the canal without secrets.

First we looked warily,
With fear, fear of betrayal,
White lies, consolation, sentiment
That we thought to be symbolic.

But the way that it went, slowly
Through the unreal canal, obscurity.
‘Spectrum of sparks, be welcome!’
Briefly we thought ourselves pure.

Then the bridge was raised.
Panic broke our hearts.
Whispers, stammering, disbelief,
Cries of loathing, dismay.

In vain. Superior to the character
Of the crowd the glittering slid by,
Truly without being obscure,
To the other side of the bridge.

We vaguely saw a glow, memory
That faded slowly in the distance.
O formidable obscurity! Grumbling
And cursing we retreated once more into nature.
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère