Marco Pelliccioli
Now that piece after piece the wall is bare
infinite windows open on the Mörla,
now that the voices of the dead and the living
have attempted communion,
garments and tram, comets and hull,
their names
overflow into the streets by the Mörla
flooding basements, shelters and houses:
ask your question
to the wet mist on the lawn,
before the sun dries everything again.
Publisher: First publication on, , 2023
Nu dat de brokstukken de wanden hebben neergehaald
ontstaan eindeloze cirkels op de stroom van de Mörla,
nu dat de stemmen van de doden, van de levenden,
probeerden samen te komen,
de kleding, de trams, de kometen, de casco’s,
hun naam,
de vloed van de Mörla loopt door de straten
overspoelt huizen, kelders, schuilplaatsen:
stel aan de vochtige mist op de weiden
voordat de zon alles droogt
jouw vraag…
Publisher: 2023, Voor het eerst gepubliceerd op,
Ora che i cocci hanno spogliato le pareti
aperto infiniti cerchi sul Corso della Mörla,
or ache le voci dei morti, quelle dei vivi,
hanno tentato la loro comunione,
le vesti, i tram, comete, scafi,
il loro nome,
straripa per le vie la piena della Mörla
inonda case, tetti, sottoscala:
prima che il sole asciughi
porgi alla foschia umida sui prati
la tua domanda…
From: The Orphan
Publisher: LietoColle - Pordenonelegge,
Now that piece after piece the wall is bare
infinite windows open on the Mörla,
now that the voices of the dead and the living
have attempted communion,
garments and tram, comets and hull,
their names
overflow into the streets by the Mörla
flooding basements, shelters and houses:
ask your question
to the wet mist on the lawn,
before the sun dries everything again.
From: The Orphan
Publisher: 2023, First publication on,
Now that piece after piece the wall is bare
infinite windows open on the Mörla,
now that the voices of the dead and the living
have attempted communion,
garments and tram, comets and hull,
their names
overflow into the streets by the Mörla
flooding basements, shelters and houses:
ask your question
to the wet mist on the lawn,
before the sun dries everything again.
Publisher: 2023, First publication on,