Anne Vegter
Medea 2.0:22
22every morning for thirty months
her heart thwacks against her ribs
like a rubber bucket
you might also wake up at four o’clock
but what does he care about that information
she puts her hand on the pillow
next to hers
at four o’clock in the morning
that should be illegal
way too early to find out you’re alone
way too early for compulsion
here’s those little tyrants again:
the divas
the gigglers
the attentionseekers
the chatterboxes
the chattiestboxes
the quarrelers
the cuddlers
the cuddliests
the beggars
the horndogs
the clitoristas
the despondents
the handshakers
the girlwonders
the schemers
the planners
and the pragmatics
who noisily demand their vote
thank you i owe you driving rain on your brain in the south
raindrops filled with particulates
on your head in the south
a hailstorm on the scalp
aim: poison the core with lead
or like circe the hag
transformed odysseus’ crew
into pigs
circe was still surprised
by odysseus’ sword
(jason’s bubble pop)
fat boar warrior
biggy no piggy
come back wanderer
you’ve proven your smallest courage by now
yes to whom
he came home
(but whoever reads this is fading)
© Translation: 2021,
Medea 2.0:22
Medea 2.0:22
22elke ochtend uit dertig maanden
zwiept haar hart tegen haar ribben
als een rubberen emmer
zo kan je ook om vier uur wakker worden
maar wat kan hem die informatie bommen
ze legt haar hand op het hoofdkussen
naast het hare
`s ochtends om vier uur
zou dat verboden moeten zijn
veel te vroeg voor het vaststellen van het alleen zijn
veel te vroeg voor compulsie
daar komen de dwingelandjes weer:
de gelijkhebsters
de lachebekken
de aandachttrekkers
de praatgragen
de praatgraagsten
de ruziezoekers
de aanhankelijken
de aanhankelijksten
de bedelaars
de geilaards
de klaarkomsters
de moedelozen
de handengevers
de bedenksters
de plansters
de planners
en de verstandigen
die luidruchtig hun stem eisen
dank je
je hebt slagregens op je hersens in het zuiden tegoed
regendruppels gevuld met fijnstof
op je kop in het zuiden
een hagelbui op de hoofdhuid
doel: kernvergiftiging met lood
of zoals de kol circe
odysseus’ crew betoverde
in varkens
circe keek nog op
van odysseus’ zwaard
(jasons zeepbel plop)
strijder varken vad
big no big
kom terug doolaard
je hebt je kleinste moed nu wel bewezen
ja aan wie
hij kwam thuis
(maar wie dit leest taant)
© 2020, Anne Vegter
From: Big Data
Publisher: Querido,
From: Big Data
Publisher: Querido,
Poems of Anne Vegter
Medea 2.0:22
22every morning for thirty months
her heart thwacks against her ribs
like a rubber bucket
you might also wake up at four o’clock
but what does he care about that information
she puts her hand on the pillow
next to hers
at four o’clock in the morning
that should be illegal
way too early to find out you’re alone
way too early for compulsion
here’s those little tyrants again:
the divas
the gigglers
the attentionseekers
the chatterboxes
the chattiestboxes
the quarrelers
the cuddlers
the cuddliests
the beggars
the horndogs
the clitoristas
the despondents
the handshakers
the girlwonders
the schemers
the planners
and the pragmatics
who noisily demand their vote
thank you i owe you driving rain on your brain in the south
raindrops filled with particulates
on your head in the south
a hailstorm on the scalp
aim: poison the core with lead
or like circe the hag
transformed odysseus’ crew
into pigs
circe was still surprised
by odysseus’ sword
(jason’s bubble pop)
fat boar warrior
biggy no piggy
come back wanderer
you’ve proven your smallest courage by now
yes to whom
he came home
(but whoever reads this is fading)
© 2021, Anne Vegter
From: Big Data
From: Big Data
Medea 2.0:22
22every morning for thirty months
her heart thwacks against her ribs
like a rubber bucket
you might also wake up at four o’clock
but what does he care about that information
she puts her hand on the pillow
next to hers
at four o’clock in the morning
that should be illegal
way too early to find out you’re alone
way too early for compulsion
here’s those little tyrants again:
the divas
the gigglers
the attentionseekers
the chatterboxes
the chattiestboxes
the quarrelers
the cuddlers
the cuddliests
the beggars
the horndogs
the clitoristas
the despondents
the handshakers
the girlwonders
the schemers
the planners
and the pragmatics
who noisily demand their vote
thank you i owe you driving rain on your brain in the south
raindrops filled with particulates
on your head in the south
a hailstorm on the scalp
aim: poison the core with lead
or like circe the hag
transformed odysseus’ crew
into pigs
circe was still surprised
by odysseus’ sword
(jason’s bubble pop)
fat boar warrior
biggy no piggy
come back wanderer
you’ve proven your smallest courage by now
yes to whom
he came home
(but whoever reads this is fading)
© 2021,

LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère