Monika Herceg
full circle
the analogy of body decayand autumn decay
is total
the leaves humbly leave themselves to rot
we stick our fingers into the flesh
feeling for the pulse of summer
in the apples we’re storing in the basement
long after it they will abide the chill
stinging the tissue
and then like a planet
enter the eternal orbit around the winter
pickling peppers and cucumbers
preserves the sense of a full circle
the pickled sun essence
lightens the stomach
past the winter jars
sometimes snakes pass sluggish
their skins thick and green
grandma says they’re already tame
underneath the house
ever since the basement was built
they sleep as guards
hibernating like us
with solar flares
in their abdominal cavities
© Translation: 2020, Marina Veverec
puni krug
puni krug
analogija propadanja tijelai jesenskog propadanja
potpuna je
lišće se ponizno prepušta truljenju
uvlačimo prste u meso
opipavajući puls ljeta
jabukama koje skladištimo u podrum
još dugo poslije podnosit će studen
koja prodire u staničja
a onda poput planeta
ući u vječnu orbitu oko zime
treba kiseliti krastavce i paprike
da se očuva osjećaj punoga kruga
ukiseljena esencija sunca
osvjetljava želudac
kraj tegli zimnice
ponekad lijeno prolaze zmije
debele zelene kože
baka kaže da su već pitome
i da pod temeljima kuće
otkako su iskopali podrum
spavaju kao stražari
prezimljujući kao i mi
sa sunčevim bakljama
u trbušnim šupljinama
© 2018, Monika Herceg
From: Početne koordinate
Publisher: SKUD Ivan Goran Kovačić, Zagreb
From: Početne koordinate
Publisher: SKUD Ivan Goran Kovačić, Zagreb
Poems of Monika Herceg
full circle
the analogy of body decayand autumn decay
is total
the leaves humbly leave themselves to rot
we stick our fingers into the flesh
feeling for the pulse of summer
in the apples we’re storing in the basement
long after it they will abide the chill
stinging the tissue
and then like a planet
enter the eternal orbit around the winter
pickling peppers and cucumbers
preserves the sense of a full circle
the pickled sun essence
lightens the stomach
past the winter jars
sometimes snakes pass sluggish
their skins thick and green
grandma says they’re already tame
underneath the house
ever since the basement was built
they sleep as guards
hibernating like us
with solar flares
in their abdominal cavities
© 2020, Marina Veverec
From: Početne koordinate
From: Početne koordinate
full circle
the analogy of body decayand autumn decay
is total
the leaves humbly leave themselves to rot
we stick our fingers into the flesh
feeling for the pulse of summer
in the apples we’re storing in the basement
long after it they will abide the chill
stinging the tissue
and then like a planet
enter the eternal orbit around the winter
pickling peppers and cucumbers
preserves the sense of a full circle
the pickled sun essence
lightens the stomach
past the winter jars
sometimes snakes pass sluggish
their skins thick and green
grandma says they’re already tame
underneath the house
ever since the basement was built
they sleep as guards
hibernating like us
with solar flares
in their abdominal cavities
© 2020, Marina Veverec

LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère