Poetry International Poetry International

Tehila Hakimi


The soul sells cheap
a consumer matter
free market economy, the time is now,
and it it took me some to understand
there are moments that won’t return
and the hours
when did I take a number?
I sit in discomfort, silence
the fluorescent light and the screen,
the call arrives to come at once,
to deliver now, satisfy desire,
I make my way toward the meeting room  
agreeing and complaining,
and the time I awaited my turn?
Waits still.


שעון נוכחות

שעון נוכחות

הַנֶּפֶשׁ נִסְחֶרֶת נָמוּךְ
וְזֶה עִנְיָן שֶׁל צַרְכָנוּת
הַכַּלְכָּלָה חָפְשִׁית, זוֹ הַשָּׁעָה,
לָקַח לִי זְמַן לְהָבִין
 יש רְגָעִים שֶׁלֹּא יֻחְזְרוּ
מָתַי לָקַחְתִּי מִסְפָּר?
יוֹשֶׁבֶת בְּאִי הַנּוֹחוֹת, שׁוֹתֶקֶת
הַפְלוֹרוֹסֶנְט, וְהַמָּסָךְ,
הַקְּרִיאָה לְהַגִּיעַ מִיָּד,
לִשְׁלֹחַ עַכְשָׁו, לְסַפֵּק אֶת הַיֵּצֶר,
מִתְגַּלְגֶּלֶת אֶל חֲדַר הַיְּשִׁיבוֹת
מְהַנְהֶנֶת, מִתְרַעֶמֶת,
וְהַזְּמַן שֶׁחִכִּיתִי לְתוֹרִי?
מְחַכָּה עֲדַיִן


The soul sells cheap
a consumer matter
free market economy, the time is now,
and it it took me some to understand
there are moments that won’t return
and the hours
when did I take a number?
I sit in discomfort, silence
the fluorescent light and the screen,
the call arrives to come at once,
to deliver now, satisfy desire,
I make my way toward the meeting room  
agreeing and complaining,
and the time I awaited my turn?
Waits still.



The soul sells cheap
a consumer matter
free market economy, the time is now,
and it it took me some to understand
there are moments that won’t return
and the hours
when did I take a number?
I sit in discomfort, silence
the fluorescent light and the screen,
the call arrives to come at once,
to deliver now, satisfy desire,
I make my way toward the meeting room  
agreeing and complaining,
and the time I awaited my turn?
Waits still.

Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère