Poetry International Poetry International

Feng Na

Searching for Cranes

Cattle hidden in the prairie shadows
Bayinbuluke     I have met a rearer of cranes
his beaked neck
his broken-winged brogue
cranes dip into the water’s surface
for nine inverted suns
He makes me feel the prairie
is misses something of itself

The evening indulges itself in vastness
I wait for cranes to burst from his sleeves
I wish another would drop from the sky
narrow-faced, thin-ankled     myself
loved by the rearer of cranes, spurned
and fatuously clinging     
Four cornered wildness     
She has a hundred and eight ways to hide
to find her, he needs only one:
at night in Bayinbuleke
the cranes he’s touched     must all return to roost



巴音布鲁克  我遇见一个养鹤的人

她有狭窄的脸庞  瘦细的脚踝
与养鹤人相爱  厌弃  痴缠
四野茫茫  她有一百零八种躲藏的途径
被他抚摸过的鹤  都必将在夜里归巢

Searching for Cranes

Cattle hidden in the prairie shadows
Bayinbuluke     I have met a rearer of cranes
his beaked neck
his broken-winged brogue
cranes dip into the water’s surface
for nine inverted suns
He makes me feel the prairie
is misses something of itself

The evening indulges itself in vastness
I wait for cranes to burst from his sleeves
I wish another would drop from the sky
narrow-faced, thin-ankled     myself
loved by the rearer of cranes, spurned
and fatuously clinging     
Four cornered wildness     
She has a hundred and eight ways to hide
to find her, he needs only one:
at night in Bayinbuleke
the cranes he’s touched     must all return to roost

Searching for Cranes

Cattle hidden in the prairie shadows
Bayinbuluke     I have met a rearer of cranes
his beaked neck
his broken-winged brogue
cranes dip into the water’s surface
for nine inverted suns
He makes me feel the prairie
is misses something of itself

The evening indulges itself in vastness
I wait for cranes to burst from his sleeves
I wish another would drop from the sky
narrow-faced, thin-ankled     myself
loved by the rearer of cranes, spurned
and fatuously clinging     
Four cornered wildness     
She has a hundred and eight ways to hide
to find her, he needs only one:
at night in Bayinbuleke
the cranes he’s touched     must all return to roost
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère