Poetry International Poetry International

Florbela Espanca


Make way for Death, the Illuminated,
Who comes to take me from this world.
Fling wide open all the doors
Like flapping wings of birds in flight.  

What am I here? The disinherited,
Who with her hands seized the moonlight,
The dream, the earth, the sea, all life,
Then opened her hands, and found nothing!

O Mother, dear Mother, why were you born?
Why, tell me, amidst such agonies
And horrid pains did you carry me

Inside you?... Just so that I could be
The bitter fruit that in evil hour
Was given birth by a lily’s womb!...

Deixai Entrar a Morte

Deixai Entrar a Morte

Deixai entrar a Morte, a Iluminada,
A que vem para mim, pra me levar.
Abri todas as portas par em par
Como asas a bater em revoada.

Que sou eu neste mundo? A deserdada,
A que prendeu nas mãos todo o luar,
A vida inteira, o sonho, a terra, o mar,
E que, ao abri-las, não encontrou nada!

Ó Mãe! Ó minha Mãe, pra que nasceste?
Entre agonias e em dores tamanhas
Pra que foi, dize lá, que me trouxeste

Dentro de ti?... Pra que eu tivesse sido
Somente o fruto amargo das entranhas
Dum lírio que em má hora foi nascido!...


Make way for Death, the Illuminated,
Who comes to take me from this world.
Fling wide open all the doors
Like flapping wings of birds in flight.  

What am I here? The disinherited,
Who with her hands seized the moonlight,
The dream, the earth, the sea, all life,
Then opened her hands, and found nothing!

O Mother, dear Mother, why were you born?
Why, tell me, amidst such agonies
And horrid pains did you carry me

Inside you?... Just so that I could be
The bitter fruit that in evil hour
Was given birth by a lily’s womb!...


Make way for Death, the Illuminated,
Who comes to take me from this world.
Fling wide open all the doors
Like flapping wings of birds in flight.  

What am I here? The disinherited,
Who with her hands seized the moonlight,
The dream, the earth, the sea, all life,
Then opened her hands, and found nothing!

O Mother, dear Mother, why were you born?
Why, tell me, amidst such agonies
And horrid pains did you carry me

Inside you?... Just so that I could be
The bitter fruit that in evil hour
Was given birth by a lily’s womb!...
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère