Poetry International Poetry International

Myroslav Laiuk


in the midst of a black night near a blue lake
a yellow tram stops and carries me
it doesn’t matter where—

I’ll hold the handrail
in order not to fall in this world
like an empty bottle

to the industrial zone
past the buildings I know but can’t see
past the poplars felled in the bygone century
past the sleeping people
past the three martens
who rustle here and there

and it all was already mine
all of it was already mine

only these fingers were not mine
only these white five



посеред чорної ночі на синьому озері

жовтий трамвай зупиняється і везе мене

немає значення куди –

я триматимуся за поручень

аби не впасти у цьому світі

як порожня пляшка

у промзону

повз будівлі які не бачу але знаю

повз тополі вирубані ще в минулому столітті

повз людей які сплять

повз трьох куниць

які шурхотять то там то там

і все це вже було моїм

усе це вже було моїм!

тільки ці пальці не були моїми

тільки ці білі п’ять


in the midst of a black night near a blue lake
a yellow tram stops and carries me
it doesn’t matter where—

I’ll hold the handrail
in order not to fall in this world
like an empty bottle

to the industrial zone
past the buildings I know but can’t see
past the poplars felled in the bygone century
past the sleeping people
past the three martens
who rustle here and there

and it all was already mine
all of it was already mine

only these fingers were not mine
only these white five


in the midst of a black night near a blue lake
a yellow tram stops and carries me
it doesn’t matter where—

I’ll hold the handrail
in order not to fall in this world
like an empty bottle

to the industrial zone
past the buildings I know but can’t see
past the poplars felled in the bygone century
past the sleeping people
past the three martens
who rustle here and there

and it all was already mine
all of it was already mine

only these fingers were not mine
only these white five
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère