Galina Rymboe
There is a monster living in my ovary
there is a monster living in my ovary; complex, but consisting of simpleembryonic tissues. it makes itself known in the night,
and I wake up, I want to do something to myself.
if it was certain that one could still fight when dead,
my little twin, grown into a small organ,
would be free – in the earth or the organics of ash . . .
I think we can caress the stones and fix our gaze on the trees,
only when we are gone.
time is silent, folded in on itself.
and Cosmic Prospect rumbles outside the window,
spitting drunks out onto dirt paths. I dream
that my breasts are rotting, and I’ve finally become a woman . . .
and all the animals of the world let me pet them.
before going to bed my son shined the flashlight
from my phone on my stomach. he thinks he can build a rocket
and fly off into space, and I can’t explain to him that space
only exists for the select few, and not even now – but only potentially.
that the cosmic buildings people are already building here, on earth,
and the robot exhibits he loves so much,
and the complex gadgets for producing machine poetry that the new
poets have, are only made for the few, in the name of the few,
who have already stopped being people, not matter, but the cloudy swarm of systems,
growing like tumors in our midst.
that there are people who can’t get a passport,
that there are people who can’t leave and go somewhere else,
they lie like sick monsters, in packed pits of work and hunger
and their speech is spare.
that heaps of governments, like the heaps of trash on our Earth,
that there is something else besides time, pressed into rooms,
that there is something else in bodies, besides words and thoughts . . .
© Translation: 2019, Jonathan Brooks Platt
From: Cosmic Prospect (forthcoming)
Publisher: Ugly Duckling Press, Amsterdam, 2019
From: Cosmic Prospect (forthcoming)
Publisher: Ugly Duckling Press, Amsterdam, 2019
In mijn eierstok leeft een monster
in mijn eierstok leeft een monster; complex gemaakt,maar van mijn bloedeigen embryonale weefsels;
’s nachts laat het van zich horen,
ik word wakker en wil mezelf iets aandoen.
als vast stond dat dood kan worden gestreden,
zou mijn tweelingbroertje of -zusje, gegroeid in een klein orgaan, vrij zijn –
in de aarde of in de organische stoffen van as . . .
ik geloof dat we enkel wanneer we weg zijn
stenen kunnen liefkozen en onze blik op bomen kunnen laten rusten,
de tijd zwijgt, afgekeerd in zichzelf
en achter het vensterglas gaat de Ruimtevaartlaan tekeer,
dronkaards uitspuwend op slijkpaadjes. ik droom
dat mijn boezem rot en dat ik dan toch vrouw geworden ben . . .
en dat alle dieren van de wereld zich door mij laten strelen.
voor het slapengaan scheen mijn zoon me op mijn buik met het lampje van mijn mobieltje.
hij gelooft dat we een raket kunnen bouwen om naar de ruimte te vliegen,
en ik krijg hem maar niet uitgelegd dat de ruimte er is voor een select clubje,
en zelfs niet nu, maar als toekomstperspectief.
dat de ruimtehuizen die hier op aarde al gebouwd worden
en de robottentoonstellingen waar hij zo dol op is
en de complexe gadgets die voor nieuwe dichters machinale poëzie produceren
gemaakt worden voor een select clubje, in naam van een select clubje,
al geen mensen meer, geen materie, maar een troebele zwerm systemen
die onze milieus als gezwellen overwoekeren.
dat er mensen zijn die geen documenten kunnen krijgen,
dat er mensen zijn die nergens heen kunnen reizen,
ze liggen als zieke monsters, in dichte kuilen gemaakt van werk en honger
hun taal is schraal
dat opeenstapelingen van regeringen als afvalbergen zijn op onze Aarde,
dat er nog wat anders bestaat dan in kamers geperste tijd,
dat lichamen nog wat anders bevatten dan woorden en gedachten . . .
© Vertaling: 2019, Pieter Boulogne
From: tijd van de aarde
Publisher: 2019, Perdu, Amsterdam
De vertaler dankt Ann Catteeuw voor haar kritische blik op deze vertaling.
From: tijd van de aarde
Publisher: 2019, Perdu, Amsterdam
В моем яичнике живет чудовище
в моем яичнике живет чудовище; сложное, но из родных тканейзародышевых. оно дает о себе знать по ночам,
и я просыпаюсь, и хочу что-нибудь сделать с собой.
если бы была уверенность, что можно бороться мертвой,
мой маленький близнец, вросший в маленький орган, стал бы свободен -
в земле или в органике пепла…
думаю, мы можем ласкать камни и задерживать взгляд на деревьях,
только когда нас нет.
время молчит, отвернутое в себя.
и Космический проспект за окном шумит,
выплевывая пьяных на грязевые тропки. мне снится,
что моя грудь гниет, и что я стала женщиной наконец-то…
и что все животные мира дают мне себя погладить.
перед сном сын светил мне на живот фонариком от мобильного телефона.
он считает, что мы сможем построить ракету и улететь в космос,
а я не могу объяснить ему, что космос существует для избранных,
даже не сейчас, – в перспективе.
что космические дома, которые уже строят здесь, на земле,
и выставки роботов, которые он так любит,
и сложные гаджеты для производства машинной поэзии у новых поэтов
делаются для избранных, во имя избранных,
которые уже не люди, не материя, а мутный рой систем,
растущих, как опухоли, в наших средах.
что есть люди, которые не могут получить паспорт,
что есть люди, которые не могут никуда уехать,
они лежат, как больные чудовища, в плотных ямах из работы и голода
и скудно говорят.
что груды правительств, – как груды мусора на нашей Земле,
что есть что-то еще, кроме времени, вжатого в комнаты,
что в телах есть что-то еще, кроме слов и мыслей…
© 2019, Galina Rymboe
Poems of Galina Rymboe
There is a monster living in my ovary
there is a monster living in my ovary; complex, but consisting of simpleembryonic tissues. it makes itself known in the night,
and I wake up, I want to do something to myself.
if it was certain that one could still fight when dead,
my little twin, grown into a small organ,
would be free – in the earth or the organics of ash . . .
I think we can caress the stones and fix our gaze on the trees,
only when we are gone.
time is silent, folded in on itself.
and Cosmic Prospect rumbles outside the window,
spitting drunks out onto dirt paths. I dream
that my breasts are rotting, and I’ve finally become a woman . . .
and all the animals of the world let me pet them.
before going to bed my son shined the flashlight
from my phone on my stomach. he thinks he can build a rocket
and fly off into space, and I can’t explain to him that space
only exists for the select few, and not even now – but only potentially.
that the cosmic buildings people are already building here, on earth,
and the robot exhibits he loves so much,
and the complex gadgets for producing machine poetry that the new
poets have, are only made for the few, in the name of the few,
who have already stopped being people, not matter, but the cloudy swarm of systems,
growing like tumors in our midst.
that there are people who can’t get a passport,
that there are people who can’t leave and go somewhere else,
they lie like sick monsters, in packed pits of work and hunger
and their speech is spare.
that heaps of governments, like the heaps of trash on our Earth,
that there is something else besides time, pressed into rooms,
that there is something else in bodies, besides words and thoughts . . .
© 2019, Jonathan Brooks Platt
From: Cosmic Prospect (forthcoming)
Publisher: 2019, Ugly Duckling Press, Amsterdam
From: Cosmic Prospect (forthcoming)
Publisher: 2019, Ugly Duckling Press, Amsterdam
There is a monster living in my ovary
there is a monster living in my ovary; complex, but consisting of simpleembryonic tissues. it makes itself known in the night,
and I wake up, I want to do something to myself.
if it was certain that one could still fight when dead,
my little twin, grown into a small organ,
would be free – in the earth or the organics of ash . . .
I think we can caress the stones and fix our gaze on the trees,
only when we are gone.
time is silent, folded in on itself.
and Cosmic Prospect rumbles outside the window,
spitting drunks out onto dirt paths. I dream
that my breasts are rotting, and I’ve finally become a woman . . .
and all the animals of the world let me pet them.
before going to bed my son shined the flashlight
from my phone on my stomach. he thinks he can build a rocket
and fly off into space, and I can’t explain to him that space
only exists for the select few, and not even now – but only potentially.
that the cosmic buildings people are already building here, on earth,
and the robot exhibits he loves so much,
and the complex gadgets for producing machine poetry that the new
poets have, are only made for the few, in the name of the few,
who have already stopped being people, not matter, but the cloudy swarm of systems,
growing like tumors in our midst.
that there are people who can’t get a passport,
that there are people who can’t leave and go somewhere else,
they lie like sick monsters, in packed pits of work and hunger
and their speech is spare.
that heaps of governments, like the heaps of trash on our Earth,
that there is something else besides time, pressed into rooms,
that there is something else in bodies, besides words and thoughts . . .
© 2019, Jonathan Brooks Platt
From: Cosmic Prospect (forthcoming)
Publisher: 2019, Ugly Duckling Press, Amsterdam
From: Cosmic Prospect (forthcoming)
Publisher: 2019, Ugly Duckling Press, Amsterdam

LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère