Poetry International Poetry International

Salih Bolat


you hewed me from your light
like sun
over scrubs of summer.

I holler your scream.

flying birds always amaze me
are they not baffled by their wings
as the bare tinder sets
the night’s coat ablaze.

I kiss your lightning streaks.

a sky beckons you to its side
with the depths of a love some god
fashioned for us that same winter
and in spite of the retreating snow

I enter your darkness.



ışığından yaptın beni
yaz çalılıklarındaki
güneş gibi.

senin çığlığını atıyorum.

havalanan kuşlara şaşarım
nasıl karıştırmazlar kanatlarını
gecenin ceketini tutuştururken
bir kav, soyunup giden.

senin şimşeğini öpüyorum.

bir gök seni kendine çağırıyor
hangi tanrının bizim için tasarladığı
aşkın yoğunluğuyla aynı kışta
karın çekip gitmesine rağmen.

senin karanlığına giriyorum.


you hewed me from your light
like sun
over scrubs of summer.

I holler your scream.

flying birds always amaze me
are they not baffled by their wings
as the bare tinder sets
the night’s coat ablaze.

I kiss your lightning streaks.

a sky beckons you to its side
with the depths of a love some god
fashioned for us that same winter
and in spite of the retreating snow

I enter your darkness.


you hewed me from your light
like sun
over scrubs of summer.

I holler your scream.

flying birds always amaze me
are they not baffled by their wings
as the bare tinder sets
the night’s coat ablaze.

I kiss your lightning streaks.

a sky beckons you to its side
with the depths of a love some god
fashioned for us that same winter
and in spite of the retreating snow

I enter your darkness.
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère