Poetry International Poetry International

Arno Van Vlierberghe


Me, work – Anguish Language – The new barbarism – My resources, my tools

What is The Situation? And why should we shut it down? All that is solid melts into PR. Me, work. Dismantling the institution, in search of a community. Find more institution. Of course. Institutions, notions, people bent on power. Of course. The new barbarism. In brief, The Situation. My resources, my tools. Also The Situation. Heroically and ridiculously I march to work. Left-right-left-right-left-right, all charged up and full of potential, strategically shambolic. I don’t know yet what I’ll do. Play it straight like the others, why exactly I don’t know. To not be afraid anymore? Mindlessly and guilelessly buy what’s still left to buy. It’s gradually getting dark and hard to breathe. What is The Situation? Not work, but occupation. Hunting in a field of extreme power dynamics. Stretched and blind, I move through the 24/7 in search of respite. In search of slumbering resistance. The economically robust family. A war of my own, entirely mine to lose, to give up deferentially to a tangible enemy. I wish I had something hopeful to say, something useful. The predictable consolation I feel as member of a powerful set-up, worn like lubricated livery, a flag for parading, ragged but acceptable. Impatient capital, wait for me! I’ll be your sentry. There will never be a better now! To ra-di-ca-lise! What is The Situation? No one’s left, no one’s left and I’m alone, I’m alone now.

De Situatie 2

De Situatie 2

Ik, werk — Anguish Language — Nieuwe barbarij — Mijn middelen, mijn instrumenten

Wat is De Situatie? En waarom zouden we ze tot stilstand brengen? All that is solid melts into PR. Ik, werk. Het instituut ontmantelen, op zoek naar een gemeenschap. Meer instituut vinden. Natuurlijk. Instituties, denkbeelden, personen en machtsintenties. Natuurlijk. De nieuwe barbarij. Kortweg, De Situatie. Mijn middelen, mijn instrumenten. Ook De Situatie. Heldhaftig en belachelijk marcheer ik naar werk. Links-rechts-links-rechts-links-rechts, opgeladen en vol van potentieel, strategisch in de war. Ik weet nog niet wat ik zal doen. Net doen als de anderen, ik weet niet goed waarom. Om niet meer bang te zijn? Achteloos en argeloos kopen wat nog te kopen valt. Het wordt stilaan donker, het ademen gaat moeizaam. Wat is De Situatie? Geen werk, maar bezetting. Op jacht in een veld van extreme machtsverhouding. Uitgesmeerd en blind beweeg ik me door de 24/7 op zoek naar rust. Naar slapende weerstand. Naar de economisch robuuste familie. Naar een eigen oorlog, geheel de mijne om te verliezen, in eerbied over te geven aan een tastbare vijand. Ik wou dat ik iets hoopvols te zeggen had, iets nuttigs. De voorspelbare geruststelling die ik voel, lid van een krachtige set-up, gedragen als een geolied uniform, een paraderende vlag met toegestane kuren. Ongeduldig kapitaal, wacht op me! Ik wil jouw schildwacht zijn. Er is geen betere nu! Te ra-di-ca-li-se-ren! Wat is De Situatie? Er is niemand meer, er is niemand meer en ik ben alleen, ik ben alleen nu.



Me, work – Anguish Language – The new barbarism – My resources, my tools

What is The Situation? And why should we shut it down? All that is solid melts into PR. Me, work. Dismantling the institution, in search of a community. Find more institution. Of course. Institutions, notions, people bent on power. Of course. The new barbarism. In brief, The Situation. My resources, my tools. Also The Situation. Heroically and ridiculously I march to work. Left-right-left-right-left-right, all charged up and full of potential, strategically shambolic. I don’t know yet what I’ll do. Play it straight like the others, why exactly I don’t know. To not be afraid anymore? Mindlessly and guilelessly buy what’s still left to buy. It’s gradually getting dark and hard to breathe. What is The Situation? Not work, but occupation. Hunting in a field of extreme power dynamics. Stretched and blind, I move through the 24/7 in search of respite. In search of slumbering resistance. The economically robust family. A war of my own, entirely mine to lose, to give up deferentially to a tangible enemy. I wish I had something hopeful to say, something useful. The predictable consolation I feel as member of a powerful set-up, worn like lubricated livery, a flag for parading, ragged but acceptable. Impatient capital, wait for me! I’ll be your sentry. There will never be a better now! To ra-di-ca-lise! What is The Situation? No one’s left, no one’s left and I’m alone, I’m alone now.


Me, work – Anguish Language – The new barbarism – My resources, my tools

What is The Situation? And why should we shut it down? All that is solid melts into PR. Me, work. Dismantling the institution, in search of a community. Find more institution. Of course. Institutions, notions, people bent on power. Of course. The new barbarism. In brief, The Situation. My resources, my tools. Also The Situation. Heroically and ridiculously I march to work. Left-right-left-right-left-right, all charged up and full of potential, strategically shambolic. I don’t know yet what I’ll do. Play it straight like the others, why exactly I don’t know. To not be afraid anymore? Mindlessly and guilelessly buy what’s still left to buy. It’s gradually getting dark and hard to breathe. What is The Situation? Not work, but occupation. Hunting in a field of extreme power dynamics. Stretched and blind, I move through the 24/7 in search of respite. In search of slumbering resistance. The economically robust family. A war of my own, entirely mine to lose, to give up deferentially to a tangible enemy. I wish I had something hopeful to say, something useful. The predictable consolation I feel as member of a powerful set-up, worn like lubricated livery, a flag for parading, ragged but acceptable. Impatient capital, wait for me! I’ll be your sentry. There will never be a better now! To ra-di-ca-lise! What is The Situation? No one’s left, no one’s left and I’m alone, I’m alone now.
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